2011-11-03 8 views



import java.util.Random; 
public class Process implements Comparable 

    private Random generator; 
    private String name; 
    private int burstTime; 
    private int priority; 
    private int arrivalTime; 

    * Process constructor where the user choose the values 
    * @param nameValue name of the process 
    * @param burstTimeValue burst time of the process 
    * @param priorityValue priority of the process 
    * @param arrivalTimeValue arrival time of the process 
    public Process(String nameValue, int burstTimeValue, int priorityValue, 
      int arrivalTimeValue) 
     name = nameValue; 
     burstTime = burstTimeValue; 
     priority = priorityValue; 
     arrivalTime = arrivalTimeValue; 

    * Process constructor that randomizes the values of 
    * name, burst time, priority, and arrival time. 
    public Process() 
     generator = new Random(); 
     name = "Process" + generator.nextInt(10000); 
     burstTime = generator.nextInt(10); 
     priority = generator.nextInt(5); 
     arrivalTime = generator.nextInt(30); 

    * Returns the name of the process 
    * @return name the name of the process 
    public String getName() 
     return name; 

    * Sets the name of the process 
    * @param aValue value to set the process name to 
    public void setName(String aValue) 
     name = aValue; 

    * Returns the burst time of the process 
    * @return burstTime the burst time of the process 
    public int getBurstTime() 
     return burstTime; 

    * Sets the burst time of a process 
    * @param aValue the value for the burst time of a process 
    public void setBurstTime(int aValue) 
     burstTime = aValue; 

    * Returns the priority value of the process 
    * @return priority the priority of the process 
    public int getPriority() 
     return priority; 

    * Sets the priority of a process 
    * @param aValue value for priority 
    public void setPriority(int aValue) 
     priority = aValue; 

    * Returns the arrival time of the process 
    * @return arrival time the arrival time of the process 
    public int getArrivalTime() 
     return arrivalTime; 

    * Sets the arrival time value 
    * @param aValue value for arrival time 
    public void setArrivalTime(int aValue) 
     arrivalTime = aValue; 

    * Overrides the toString method from the String class 
    * Returns a printout of the object's variables 
    * @return printout of the object's variables 
    public String toString() 
     return "Process[name=" + name + " bTime=" + burstTime 
       + " priority=" + priority + " aTime=" + arrivalTime +"]"; 

    * Compares two process objects 
    * @param otherObject another process object 
    * @return the order of two processes 
    public int compareTo(Object otherObject) 
     Process other = (Process) otherObject; 
     if (arrivalTime < other.arrivalTime) return -1; 
     if (arrivalTime == other.arrivalTime) return 0; 
     return 1; 


public interface Comparable 
    int compareTo(Object otherObject); 


import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.Collections; 
public class Cpu implements 
    private ArrayList<Process> processes; 

    public Cpu() 
     processes = new ArrayList<Process>(); 

    * Adds a process to the ArrayList 
    * @param p the process that is being added 
    public void addProcess(Process p) 

    public void sort() 

を昇順アイテム名に基づいて(アイテムはモデルクラスである)私の項目のリストをソートします"Comparable"、そしてあなたは "compareTo()"メソッドを持っています - 良い。しかし、 "Collections.sort(processes)"の代わりに "processes.sort()"が必要なのですか? – paulsm4


おっとり - あなた自身の* "インターフェイスComparable"を書いていたことに気付かなかった。 Sibboが指摘したように - それはうまくいかない;) – paulsm4






+1この男。また、単に 'Comparable'ではなく' Comparable 'を実装することをお勧めします。あなたのオブジェクトを投げる必要はありません。 –


到着時間に基づいて2つのProcessオブジェクトを比較するカスタムComperatorを作成することができます。 Collectionsクラスには、コレクション(リスト、配列)とComperatorをとるオーバーロードされたsort()メソッドがあります。ここで






public Vector sort(Vector list, String kelas, String s, String asc) throws NoSuchMethodException { 

     try { 
      // Creates an object of type Class which contains the information of 
      // the class String 
      Object[] obj = list.toArray(); 
      Object[] args = {}; 
      Class cl = Class.forName(kelas); 
      Method toSort = cl.getMethod(s, null); 
      if (asc.equalsIgnoreCase("desc")) { 
       if (toSort.getReturnType().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("int") || toSort.getReturnType().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("double")) { 
        for (int i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { 
         for (int j = i; j < obj.length; j++) { 
          try { 
           if (Double.parseDouble(toSort.invoke(obj[i], args).toString()) < Double.parseDouble(toSort.invoke(obj[j], args).toString())) { 
            Object temp = obj[i]; 
            obj[i] = obj[j]; 
            obj[j] = temp; 
          } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { 
           Logger.getLogger(DbBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); 
          } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { 
           Logger.getLogger(DbBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); 
          } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { 
           Logger.getLogger(DbBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); 
       } else { 
        for (int i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { 
         for (int j = i; j < obj.length; j++) { 
          try { 
           if (toSort.invoke(obj[i], args).toString().compareToIgnoreCase(toSort.invoke(obj[j], args).toString()) < 0) { 
            Object temp = obj[i]; 
            obj[i] = obj[j]; 
            obj[j] = temp; 
          } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { 
           Logger.getLogger(DbBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); 
          } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { 
           Logger.getLogger(DbBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); 
          } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { 
           Logger.getLogger(DbBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); 
      } else { 
       if (toSort.getReturnType().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("int") || toSort.getReturnType().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("double")) { 
        for (int i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { 
         for (int j = i; j < obj.length; j++) { 
          try { 
           if (Double.parseDouble(toSort.invoke(obj[i], args).toString()) > Double.parseDouble(toSort.invoke(obj[j], args).toString())) { 
            Object temp = obj[i]; 
            obj[i] = obj[j]; 
            obj[j] = temp; 
          } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { 
           Logger.getLogger(DbBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); 
          } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { 
           Logger.getLogger(DbBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); 
          } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { 
           Logger.getLogger(DbBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); 
       } else { 
        for (int i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { 
         for (int j = i; j < obj.length; j++) { 
          try { 
           if (toSort.invoke(obj[i], args).toString().compareToIgnoreCase(toSort.invoke(obj[j], args).toString()) > 0) { 
            Object temp = obj[i]; 
            obj[i] = obj[j]; 
            obj[j] = temp; 
          } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { 
           Logger.getLogger(DbBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); 
          } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { 
           Logger.getLogger(DbBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); 
          } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { 
           Logger.getLogger(DbBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); 

      list = new Vector(); 
      for (int i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { 
     } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { 
     return list; 


Vector sortedList=sort(UnsortedList, "bean.Items", "getItemName", "asc"); 

