- (void) mouseUp: (NSEvent*) e {
//set up a ridiclous # for current distance
float mtDistance = 12000000.0;
//get this page number
selfPageNum = [[[self toolTip] substringFromIndex:5] intValue];
//set up pageViews array
pageViews = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
//loop through the subviews
for (int i=0; i<[subviews count]; i++) {
//set up the view
thisView = [subviews objectAtIndex:i];
//filter for view classes
NSString* thisViewClass = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [thisView className]];
if ([thisViewClass isEqual:@"Page"]) {
//add to the pageViews array
[pageViews addObject:thisView];
if (self != thisView) {
//get the view and self frame
NSRect movedViewFrame = [self frame];
NSRect thisViewFrame = [thisView frame];
//get the location area (x*y)
float movedViewLoc = movedViewFrame.origin.x * (movedViewFrame.origin.y * -1);
float thisViewLoc = thisViewFrame.origin.x * (thisViewFrame.origin.y * -1);
//get the difference between x locations
float mtDifference = movedViewLoc - thisViewLoc;
if (mtDifference < 0) {
mtDifference = mtDifference * -1;
if (mtDifference < mtDistance) {
mtDistance = mtDifference;
closesView = thisView;
}//end class check
}//end loop
//....more stuff
距離に関する標準的な回答です。しかし、距離を比較する場合、平方根を計算する際にサイクルを無駄にする必要はありません。 d1