#include <cstdint>
#include <utility>
// forward-declare class template for convenience.
template<class T, std::size_t...Dimensions>
struct matrix;
// classes to figure out the storage requirements of a multi-dimensional
// matrix
template<class T, std::size_t...Dimensions> struct storage;
template<class T, std::size_t N>
struct storage<T, N>
using type = T[N];
template<class T, std::size_t...Rest, std::size_t N>
struct storage<T, N, Rest...>
using less_dimension_type = typename storage<T, Rest...>::type;
using type = less_dimension_type[N];
// functions for dereferencing multi-dimensional arrays
template<class Array, class Arg>
decltype(auto) deref(Array& array, Arg&& arg)
return array[arg];
template<class Array, class Arg, class Arg2>
decltype(auto) deref(Array& array, Arg&& arg, Arg2&& arg2)
return array[arg][arg2];
template<class Array, class Arg, class...Args>
decltype(auto) deref(Array& array, Arg&& arg, Args&&...args)
return deref(deref(array, arg), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// prototype for operations we want to conditionally apply
template<class Matrix>
struct matrix_conditional_ops
// in the general case, none
// compose the matrix class from conditional_ops<>
template<class T, std::size_t...Dimensions>
struct matrix
: matrix_conditional_ops<matrix<T, Dimensions...>>
decltype(auto) at(Dims&&...ds)
return deref(_data, std::forward<Dims>(ds)...);
decltype(auto) at(Dims&&...ds) const
return deref(_data, std::forward<Dims>(ds)...);
typename storage<T, Dimensions...>::type _data;
// define the condition operations for the <T, 1, 1> case
template<class T>
struct matrix_conditional_ops<matrix<T, 1, 1>>
using matrix_type = matrix<T, 1, 1>;
operator T const() { return static_cast<matrix_type const&>(*this).at(0,0); }
int main()
matrix<double, 1, 1> m11;
m11.at(0,0) = 6.0;
double d = m11;
matrix<double, 2, 2> m22;
// compile error:
// double d2 = m22;
// bonus points:
matrix<double, 3, 5, 2, 7> mxx;
mxx.at(2, 4, 1, 6) = 4.3; // probably needs some compile-time checking...
実際、 'operaror T()'変換関数はクラスメンバ関数である必要があります。それは単調で、パラメータを取ることはできません。しかし、テンプレート化された 'matrix'クラスのために特殊化を使うことができます。 –