2016-07-14 6 views


Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave _ 
(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) 
Dim NamePath As String 
Dim strName As String 
Dim lFind As Long 

    If SaveAsUI = True Then' unless this is set to <> true, it does not work 
     Cancel = True 
     With Application 
      .EnableEvents = False 
      NamePath = .GetSaveAsFilename 
      strName = Mid(NamePath, InStrRev(NamePath, "\", -1, vbTextCompare) + 1, 256) 

      If NamePath = "False" Then' this is part of the code that confuses me 
       .EnableEvents = True 
       Exit Sub 
      ElseIf left(strName,6) <> "Lowpar" Then 
       MsgBox "You cannot save as another name" 
       .EnableEvents = True 
       Exit Sub 
       Me.SaveAs NamePath 
       .EnableEvents = True 
      End If 
     End With 
    End If 
End Sub 




Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) 

Dim NamePath As String 
Dim strName As String 
Dim lFind As Long 

    If SaveAsUI = True Then ' unless this is set to <> true, it does not work 

    Cancel = True 
    With Application 

     .EnableEvents = False 
     NamePath = .GetSaveAsFilename 
     strName = Mid(NamePath, InStrRev(NamePath, "\", -1, vbTextCompare) + 1, 256) 

     If NamePath = "False" Then ' this is part of the code that confuses me 
      .EnableEvents = True 
      Exit Sub 
     ElseIf Left(strName, 6) <> "Lowpar" Then 
      NamePath = "LowPar_" & NamePath 
     End If 

     Me.SaveAs NamePath 
     .EnableEvents = True 

    End With 

    End If 

End Sub 

はあなたにスコットをありがとう、私は明日、このコードをチェックし、それは私が動作するかどうかだろうあなたに名誉を与えるでしょう。 – Lowpar


コードは一貫して発射されません!コードにいくつか変更を加えましたが、散発的に発生します。以下を参照してください。 – Lowpar

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, cancel As Boolean) 
Dim NamePath As String 
Dim strName As String 
Dim lFind As Long 
Dim NewName As String 

    If SaveAsUI = True Then 

    cancel = True 
    With Application 

     .EnableEvents = False 
     NamePath = .GetSaveAsFilename 
     strName = Mid(NamePath, InStrRev(NamePath, "\", -1, vbTextCompare) + 1, 256) 
     NamePath = Left(NamePath, InStrRev(NamePath, "\")) 

     If NamePath = "False" Then 
      .EnableEvents = True 
      Exit Sub 
     ElseIf Left(strName, 6) <> "Name" Then 

     NewName = InputBox("The filename """ & strName & """ is incorrect" & vbNewLine & _ 
          "Please input a name below starting with Name" & vbNewLine & _ 
          "For instance, Name and other things" & vbNewLine & _ 
          "Do not include any extension, i.e., .xlsm", "Rename", "Name") 
     If Left(NewName, 6) = "Name" Then 
      strName = NewName & ".xlsm" 
     End If 

     Me.SaveAs NamePath & strName 
     .EnableEvents = True 

     End If 
    End With 

    End If 
End sub 