private def getFileInfo(def id, def subject) {
// product show view needs the following four lists to display the document information correctly
def ATRReportInstance = ATRReport.findByTrackingNumber(id)
def linkList = []
def nameList = []
def formatList = []
def idList = []
// open up a connection to the documentum server
def doc = connectToDocumentum()
if (!doc) return
def rest =
def response = doc.response
if (response.status == 200) {
// retrieve the folder for this product (the name of this folder is the product's ID)
def rObjectId = rest.get(documentumServer + "/repositories/" + documentumfilestore + "?dql=select r_object_id from dm_folder where any r_folder_path='" + atrreportfolderpath + "/" + id + "'") {
auth authuser, authpass
// get the folder's ID from the folder object retrieved above
def folderObjectID
rObjectId.json.entries.each {
entry - >
folderObjectID =
// get all of the documents in the product's MSDS folder using the folder ID retrieved above
def resp = rest.get(documentumServer + "/repositories/" + documentumfilestore + "?dql=select r_object_id, object_name, a_content_type, subject from cbs_document where any i_folder_id= '" + folderObjectID + "'") {
auth authuser, authpass
// cycle through the documents above to populate the four MSDS document information lists
def x = 0
resp.json.entries.each {
entry - >
if ( == subject) {
// get the document's content object from the document's ID
def content = rest.get(documentumServer + "/repositories/" + documentumfilestore + "/objects/" + + "/contents/content" + "?media-url-policy=local") {
auth authuser, authpass
if ( != null && ATRReportInstance.inactiveFiles != null && ATRReportInstance.inactiveFiles.contains( {} else {
linkList[x] = getLink(content.json.links, "enclosure")
if (linkList[x].contains("format=msg"))
linkList[x] = linkList[x].toString().substring(0, linkList[x].toString().indexOf("content-media")) + "content-media.msg"
formatList[x] =
nameList[x] =
idList[x] =
return [linkList: linkList, nameList: nameList, formatList: formatList, idList: idList]
} else {
// return null if documentum is unavailable
flash.message = message(code: 'error.documentum.unavailable')
return null