2017-11-08 11 views




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<div class="solutions2"> 
    <h2 id="solutions2Header">Highlighted Features</h2> 
    <div class="solutionSection2"> 
     <p>Charges stored in one <br>place.</p> 
     <p><br>Provides peace of mind by<br>syncing and storing your charges<br>automatically.</p> 

     <img src="http://via.placeholder.com/300x600" id="iphonexCenter" alt="iPhone X Image" height="600" width="300" style="margin: 0 auto"> 

     <p>Individual and team<br>messaging.</p> 
     <p><br>100% HIPAA compliant text<br>messaging at the tip of your fingers.</p> 
    <div class="solutionSection2"> 
    <div id="bottomBox"> 
     <p>Track daily work<br>progress.</p> 
     <p><br>Intellegently helps locate<br>missing charges and provides a score<br>card to ensure all charges are entered.</p> 


    <div id="bottomBox"> 
     <p>Care coordination<br>alerts.</p> 
     <p><br>Be in the know. We can alert <br>your providers via admit/discharge 
     <br> notifications, stat, routine consults,<br> and more.</p> 


問題を既存のコードで正確に指定できますか? – RunOrVeith


完了、問題を追加しました。それを指摘してくれてありがとう。 –

