2016-05-19 24 views

私はチャートタイトルにアイコン付きの11個のチャートを持っていますが、これらのアイコンをy軸上の数字の上に置くためにいくつかのCSSを適用する方法が不思議でした。それぞれのアイコンのクラスを作成することなく、中央にとどまります。 Hereが例です。間違いなく、心の中で、より現実的な解決策を持っているハイチャート - タイトル内の位置アイコン要素

$(function() { 

    //set of common options 
    chart: { 
     type: 'boxplot' 
    credits: { 
     enabled: false 
    title: { 
     useHTML: true, 
    legend: { 
     enabled: false 
    xAxis: { 
     categories: ['2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015'], 
     title: { 
      text: 'Experiment No.' 
    yAxis: { 
     plotLines: [{ 
     color: 'red', 
     width: 1, 
     label: { 
      align: 'center', 
      style: { 
       color: 'gray' 
    series: [{ 
     color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0], 
     type: 'scatter', 
     marker: { 
      fillColor: 'white', 
      lineWidth: 1, 
      lineColor: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0] 

    //plotline options 
    var plotLinesOption = { 
    width: 1, 
    color: 'red' 

    var chart1 = new Highcharts.Chart({ 
    chart: { 
     renderTo: 'indikator1', 
    title: { 
     text: '<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span> Arbeidsmarkedsintegrasjon' 
    yAxis: { 
     title: { 
     text: 'Verdi' 
     plotLines: [Highcharts.merge(plotLinesOption,{value: 932, label:{text: 'Theoretical mean: 932'}})] 

    series: [{ 
     name: 'Observations', 
     data: [ 
      [760, 801, 848, 895, 965], 
      [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080], 
      [714, 762, 817, 870, 918], 
      [724, 802, 806, 871, 950], 
      [834, 836, 864, 882, 910] 
     tooltip: { 
      headerFormat: '<em>Experiment No {point.key}</em><br/>' 
     name: 'Outlier', 
     data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category 
      [0, 644], 
      [4, 718], 
      [4, 951], 
      [4, 969] 
     tooltip: { 
      pointFormat: 'Observation: {point.y}' 

    var chart2 = new Highcharts.Chart({ 
    chart: { 
     renderTo: 'indikator2', 
    title: { 
     text: '<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span> Arbeidsledige' 
    yAxis: { 
     title: { 
     text: 'Verdi' 
     plotLines: [Highcharts.merge(plotLinesOption,{value: 932, label:{text: 'Theoretical mean: 932'}})] 

    series: [{ 
     name: 'Observations', 
     data: [ 
      [760, 801, 848, 895, 965], 
      [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080], 
      [714, 762, 817, 870, 918], 
      [724, 802, 806, 871, 950], 
      [834, 836, 864, 882, 910] 
     tooltip: { 
      headerFormat: '<em>Experiment No {point.key}</em><br/>' 
     name: 'Outlier', 
     data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category 
      [0, 644], 
      [4, 718], 
      [4, 951], 
      [4, 969] 
     tooltip: { 
      pointFormat: 'Observation: {point.y}' 

    var chart3 = new Highcharts.Chart({ 
    chart: { 
     renderTo: 'indikator3', 
    title: { 
     text: '<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span> Arbeidsledige Ungdom' 
    yAxis: { 
     title: { 
     text: 'Verdi' 
     plotLines: [Highcharts.merge(plotLinesOption,{value: 932, label:{text: 'Theoretical mean: 932'}})] 

    series: [{ 
     name: 'Observations', 
     data: [ 
      [760, 801, 848, 895, 965], 
      [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080], 
      [714, 762, 817, 870, 918], 
      [724, 802, 806, 871, 950], 
      [834, 836, 864, 882, 910] 
     tooltip: { 
      headerFormat: '<em>Experiment No {point.key}</em><br/>' 
     name: 'Outlier', 
     data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category 
      [0, 644], 
      [4, 718], 
      [4, 951], 
      [4, 969] 
     tooltip: { 
      pointFormat: 'Observation: {point.y}' 

    var chart4 = new Highcharts.Chart({ 
    chart: { 
     renderTo: 'indikator4', 
    title: { 
     text: '<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span> Ensidig næringsstruktur (Herfindal-index)' 
    yAxis: { 
     title: { 
     text: 'Verdi' 
     plotLines: [Highcharts.merge(plotLinesOption,{value: 932, label:{text: 'Theoretical mean: 932'}})] 

    series: [{ 
     name: 'Observations', 
     data: [ 
      [760, 801, 848, 895, 965], 
      [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080], 
      [714, 762, 817, 870, 918], 
      [724, 802, 806, 871, 950], 
      [834, 836, 864, 882, 910] 
     tooltip: { 
      headerFormat: '<em>Experiment No {point.key}</em><br/>' 
     name: 'Outlier', 
     data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category 
      [0, 644], 
      [4, 718], 
      [4, 951], 
      [4, 969] 
     tooltip: { 
      pointFormat: 'Observation: {point.y}' 

    var chart5 = new Highcharts.Chart({ 
    chart: { 
     renderTo: 'indikator5', 
    title: { 
     text: '<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span> Ensidig næringsstruktur i Privat sektor (Herfindal-index)' 
    yAxis: { 
     title: { 
     text: 'Verdi' 
     plotLines: [Highcharts.merge(plotLinesOption,{value: 932, label:{text: 'Theoretical mean: 932'}})] 

    series: [{ 
     name: 'Observations', 
     data: [ 
      [760, 801, 848, 895, 965], 
      [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080], 
      [714, 762, 817, 870, 918], 
      [724, 802, 806, 871, 950], 
      [834, 836, 864, 882, 910] 
     tooltip: { 
      headerFormat: '<em>Experiment No {point.key}</em><br/>' 
     name: 'Outlier', 
     data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category 
      [0, 644], 
      [4, 718], 
      [4, 951], 
      [4, 969] 
     tooltip: { 
      pointFormat: 'Observation: {point.y}' 

    var chart6 = new Highcharts.Chart({ 
    chart: { 
     renderTo: 'indikator6', 
    title: { 
     text: '<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span> Konkurranseutsatte næringer' 
    yAxis: { 
     title: { 
     text: 'Verdi' 
     plotLines: [Highcharts.merge(plotLinesOption,{value: 932, label:{text: 'Theoretical mean: 932'}})] 

    series: [{ 
     name: 'Observations', 
     data: [ 
      [760, 801, 848, 895, 965], 
      [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080], 
      [714, 762, 817, 870, 918], 
      [724, 802, 806, 871, 950], 
      [834, 836, 864, 882, 910] 
     tooltip: { 
      headerFormat: '<em>Experiment No {point.key}</em><br/>' 
     name: 'Outlier', 
     data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category 
      [0, 644], 
      [4, 718], 
      [4, 951], 
      [4, 969] 
     tooltip: { 
      pointFormat: 'Observation: {point.y}' 

    var chart7 = new Highcharts.Chart({ 
    chart: { 
     renderTo: 'indikator7', 
    title: { 
     text: '<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span> Naturbaserte næringer' 
    yAxis: { 
     title: { 
     text: 'Verdi' 
     plotLines: [Highcharts.merge(plotLinesOption,{value: 932, label:{text: 'Theoretical mean: 932'}})] 

    series: [{ 
     name: 'Observations', 
     data: [ 
      [760, 801, 848, 895, 965], 
      [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080], 
      [714, 762, 817, 870, 918], 
      [724, 802, 806, 871, 950], 
      [834, 836, 864, 882, 910] 
     tooltip: { 
      headerFormat: '<em>Experiment No {point.key}</em><br/>' 
     name: 'Outlier', 
     data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category 
      [0, 644], 
      [4, 718], 
      [4, 951], 
      [4, 969] 
     tooltip: { 
      pointFormat: 'Observation: {point.y}' 

    var chart8 = new Highcharts.Chart({ 
    chart: { 
     renderTo: 'indikator8', 
    title: { 
     text: '<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span> Offentlige arbeidsplasser' 
    yAxis: { 
     title: { 
     text: 'Verdi' 
     plotLines: [Highcharts.merge(plotLinesOption,{value: 932, label:{text: 'Theoretical mean: 932'}})] 

    series: [{ 
     name: 'Observations', 
     data: [ 
      [760, 801, 848, 895, 965], 
      [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080], 
      [714, 762, 817, 870, 918], 
      [724, 802, 806, 871, 950], 
      [834, 836, 864, 882, 910] 
     tooltip: { 
      headerFormat: '<em>Experiment No {point.key}</em><br/>' 
     name: 'Outlier', 
     data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category 
      [0, 644], 
      [4, 718], 
      [4, 951], 
      [4, 969] 
     tooltip: { 
      pointFormat: 'Observation: {point.y}' 

    var chart9 = new Highcharts.Chart({ 
    chart: { 
     renderTo: 'indikator9', 
    title: { 
     text: '<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span> Utdanningsnivå' 
    yAxis: { 
     title: { 
     text: 'Verdi' 
     plotLines: [Highcharts.merge(plotLinesOption,{value: 932, label:{text: 'Theoretical mean: 932'}})] 

    series: [{ 
     name: 'Observations', 
     data: [ 
      [760, 801, 848, 895, 965], 
      [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080], 
      [714, 762, 817, 870, 918], 
      [724, 802, 806, 871, 950], 
      [834, 836, 864, 882, 910] 
     tooltip: { 
      headerFormat: '<em>Experiment No {point.key}</em><br/>' 
     name: 'Outlier', 
     data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category 
      [0, 644], 
      [4, 718], 
      [4, 951], 
      [4, 969] 
     tooltip: { 
      pointFormat: 'Observation: {point.y}' 

    var chart10 = new Highcharts.Chart({ 
    chart: { 
     renderTo: 'indikator10', 
    title: { 
     text: '<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span> Forsørgelserbyrde' 
    yAxis: { 
     title: { 
     text: 'Verdi' 
     plotLines: [Highcharts.merge(plotLinesOption,{value: 932, label:{text: 'Theoretical mean: 932'}})] 

    series: [{ 
     name: 'Observations', 
     data: [ 
      [760, 801, 848, 895, 965], 
      [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080], 
      [714, 762, 817, 870, 918], 
      [724, 802, 806, 871, 950], 
      [834, 836, 864, 882, 910] 
     tooltip: { 
      headerFormat: '<em>Experiment No {point.key}</em><br/>' 
     name: 'Outlier', 
     data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category 
      [0, 644], 
      [4, 718], 
      [4, 951], 
      [4, 969] 
     tooltip: { 
      pointFormat: 'Observation: {point.y}' 

    var chart11 = new Highcharts.Chart({ 
    chart: { 
     renderTo: 'indikator11', 
    title: { 
     text: '<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span> Forsørgelsesbyrde Eldre' 
    yAxis: { 
     title: { 
     text: 'Verdi' 
     plotLines: [Highcharts.merge(plotLinesOption,{value: 932, label:{text: 'Theoretical mean: 932'}})] 

    series: [{ 
     name: 'Observations', 
     data: [ 
      [760, 801, 848, 895, 965], 
      [733, 853, 939, 980, 1080], 
      [714, 762, 817, 870, 918], 
      [724, 802, 806, 871, 950], 
      [834, 836, 864, 882, 910] 
     tooltip: { 
      headerFormat: '<em>Experiment No {point.key}</em><br/>' 
     name: 'Outlier', 
     data: [ // x, y positions where 0 is the first category 
      [0, 644], 
      [4, 718], 
      [4, 951], 
      [4, 969] 
     tooltip: { 
      pointFormat: 'Observation: {point.y}' 

あなたのフィドルであなたが持っているものは、これまでのところ私にとってはよかったようです...各チャートのタイトルに異なるアイコンを付けることを望みましたか? –


いいえ、私はすでにy軸の上にタイトルのテキストを中心に、私はすでにアイコンが欲しい、それは今のようではない – Marco


OK、今あなたが欲しいものが表示されます。私は考えを考えさせてください。 –





// the rest of your chart options go here 
    }, function (chart) { // on complete 
     chart.renderer.html('<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="1" title="Help text that goes next to the chart title"><i class="ion-help"></i></span>', 50, 30) .css({ color: 'black', fontSize: '20px' }).add(); 


enter image description here



これは、ありがとうございます! – Marco


驚くばかり!この特定のプロジェクトに関するその他のご質問がある場合はお知らせください。私は喜んでお手伝いします。 –


ありがとうございました!実際には、私は同じプロジェクトの別の質問があります、私はアイコンのあなたの解決策でそれにフィドルを更新して、リンクは:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37329702/highcharts-tooltip-hover-position – Marco