を設定したい:addEventListenerのBabelサポートは1回ですか? (3番目のオプションオブジェクト)
options Optional
An options object that specifies characteristics about the event listener. The available options are:
capture: A Boolean that indicates that events of this type will be dispatched to the registered listener before being dispatched to any EventTarget beneath it in the DOM tree.
once: A Boolean indicating that the listener should be invoked at most once after being added. If it is true, the listener would be removed automatically when it is invoked.
passive: A Boolean indicating that the listener will never call preventDefault(). If it does, the user agent should ignore it and generate a console warning.
Ah。ありがとうロガン!私はそれがES6だと思っていましたが、意味があります、DOMはES6から分離しています。 – Noitidart