% Create 3 random time arrays of the format 'hh:mm:ss'
t = [randi([10,14], 10,1), randi([0,59], 10,1), randi([0,59], 10,1)];
T1 = [num2str(t(:,1), '%02i'), repmat(':', 10, 1), num2str(t(:,2), '%02i'),repmat(':', 10, 1), num2str(t(:,3), '%02i')];
t = [randi([10,14], 10,1), randi([0,59], 10,1), randi([0,59], 10,1)];
T2 = [num2str(t(:,1), '%02i'), repmat(':', 10, 1), num2str(t(:,2), '%02i'),repmat(':', 10, 1), num2str(t(:,3), '%02i')];
t = [randi([10,14], 10,1), randi([0,59], 10,1), randi([0,59], 10,1)];
T3 = [num2str(t(:,1), '%02i'), repmat(':', 10, 1), num2str(t(:,2), '%02i'),repmat(':', 10, 1), num2str(t(:,3), '%02i')];
% Convert to dates on consecutive days
D1 = datetime(strcat('2000-01-01-', T1), 'inputformat', 'yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss');
D2 = datetime(strcat('2000-01-02-', T1), 'inputformat', 'yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss');
D3 = datetime(strcat('2000-01-03-', T1), 'inputformat', 'yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss');
% Plot
data = rand(30,1);
plot([D1, D2, D3], data);
のようなあなたのデータに日付部分を割り当てますか? – patrick
質問を編集して[mcve] – Steve