2017-07-31 17 views


私は同じペットが新しい日付に任命され、Microsoft Visual Basicランタイムエラー3022を取得し、新しいエントリを追加しない限り、動作しました。


Private Sub cmdNew_Click() 

' Error check for empty comboboxes 
If IsNull(CmbPetName) = True Then 
    MsgBox ("Pick A Pet For This Operation") 
    Exit Sub 
ElseIf IsNull(CmbPEmplye) = True Then 
    MsgBox ("Pick A Prep Employee For This Operation") 
    Exit Sub 
ElseIf IsNull(CmbPTime) = True Then 
    MsgBox ("Pick A Prep Time For This Operation") 
    Exit Sub 
ElseIf IsNull(CmbBEmplye) = True Then 
    MsgBox ("Pick A Bath Employee For This Operation") 
    Exit Sub 
ElseIf IsNull(CmbBTime) = True Then 
    MsgBox ("Pick A Bath Time For This Operation") 
    Exit Sub 
ElseIf IsNull(CmbDEmplye) = True Then 
    MsgBox ("Pick A Dry Employee For This Operation") 
    Exit Sub 
ElseIf IsNull(CmbDTime) = True Then 
    MsgBox ("Pick A Dry Time For This Operation") 
    Exit Sub 
ElseIf IsNull(CmbGEmplye) = True Then 
    MsgBox ("Pick A Groom Employee For This Operation") 
    Exit Sub 
ElseIf IsNull(CmbGTime) = True Then 
    MsgBox ("Pick A Groom Time For This Operation") 
    Exit Sub 
End If 

'Set variables for error checking duplicates 
Dim pid As String 
Dim aptdate As Date 
pid = CmbPetName.Column(2) 
    'MsgBox (pid) 
aptdate = txtAptDate.Value 
    'MsgBox (aptdate) 
Dim strCriteria As String 

'Set Criteria for DCount() 
strCriteria = "([PetID] = '" & pid & "') And ([ApptDate] = #" & aptdate & "#)" 
    'MsgBox (strCriteria) 

'Error checking for duplicates 
If DCount("[PetID]", "[TimeLog]", strCriteria) > 0 Then 
    MsgBox ("Record Already Exists") 
    Exit Sub 
End If 

'Set variables to record entries 
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset 
Dim db As DAO.Database 
Set db = CurrentDb 
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("TimeLog", dbOpenTable) 

'Add entries to Table TimeLog 
rs!PetID = CmbPetName.Value 
rs!PetName = Me.CmbPetName.Column(0) 
rs!ApptDate = txtAptDate.Value 
rs!ptime = CmbPTime.Value 
rs!PEmplyee = CmbPEmplye.Value 
rs!btime = CmbBTime.Value 
rs!BEmplyee = CmbBEmplye.Value 
rs!dtime = CmbDTime.Value 
rs!DEmplyee = CmbDEmplye.Value 
rs!gtime = CmbGTime.Value 
rs!GEmplyee = CmbGEmplye.Value 



Set rs = Nothing 
Set db = Nothing 

Me.CmbPetName = Null 
Me.CmbPEmplye = Null 
Me.CmbBEmplye = Null 
Me.CmbDEmplye = Null 
Me.CmbGEmplye = Null 
Me.CmbPTime = Null 
Me.CmbBTime = Null 
Me.CmbDTime = Null 
Me.CmbGTime = Null 

End Sub 



エラーメッセージの*テキスト*とは何ですか? –





ダンバのような気分のような$$今LOL、どうにか私のPKは、自宅の代わりにPetIDにあった。明らかにありがとう! –


:)心配はいりません。私たちの最善を尽くす。 –


rs!PetID = CmbPetName.Valueおそらく競合を引き起こすキーを複製できませんか?
