2011-02-05 8 views

私はpdfファイルのファイルを参照する画面注釈を解析しようとしていましたが、何とかストリームを把握できません。 EmbeddedFiles配列やDests辞書のようなものは存在しません。私はフラッシュビデオの義務的な変換を避けるために、読者6以上と互換性のあるadobe acrobat pro 9でpdfを生成しました。クォーツでpdfからマルチメディアを解析する

this is the test pdf I'm using.


2011-02-05 01:59:35.324 xxxxxxxxxx[62350:207] -> parseLink annotation subtype Screen 
2011-02-05 01:59:35.325 xxxxxxxxxx[62350:207] parseScreen -> screen title Annotation from Inception_HD.avi 
2011-02-05 01:59:35.325 xxxxxxxxxx[62350:207] rendition type MR 
2011-02-05 01:59:35.326 xxxxxxxxxx[62350:207] parseScreen ->media clip dictionary does not contain name 
2011-02-05 01:59:35.327 xxxxxxxxxx[62350:207] parseScreen ->media clip object dictionary name 
2011-02-05 01:59:35.327 xxxxxxxxxx[62350:207] parseScreen ->media clip object mime type video/avi 
Current language: auto; currently objective-c 
2011-02-05 01:59:39.080 xxxxxxxxxx[62350:207] parseScreen ->content dict type Filespec 
2011-02-05 01:59:40.206 xxxxxxxxxx[62350:207] parseScreen ->content dict does not have type 
2011-02-05 01:59:41.647 xxxxxxxxxx[62350:207] parseScreen -> contentdict UF Inception_HD.avi 
2011-02-05 01:59:44.234 xxxxxxxxxx[62350:207] parseScreen ->content f string Inception_HD.avi 
2011-02-05 01:59:45.472 xxxxxxxxxx[62350:207] parseScreen ->content dict does not have F string 
2011-02-05 01:59:47.772 xxxxxxxxxx[62350:207] parseScreen ->content dict does not contain Referenced file dictionary RF 
(gdb) continue 
2011-02-05 03:33:13.748 xxxxxxxxxx[62350:207] parseScreen ->documentCatalog does not contain Names dict 


CGPDFStringRef aTitle; // title is optional property. 
    if (!CGPDFDictionaryGetString(annotDict, "T", &aTitle)) { 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen -> screen annot has no title"); 
    }else { 
#if DEBUG 
    char *screenTitle = (char*)CGPDFStringGetBytePtr(aTitle); 

    NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen -> screen title %s",screenTitle); 

    // get action 
    CGPDFDictionaryRef actionDict; 
    if(!CGPDFDictionaryGetDictionary(annotDict, "A", &actionDict)) { 

    // parse action 

    const char* name; 

    if (!CGPDFDictionaryGetName(actionDict, "S", &name)) { 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen -> screen annot has name attrib"); 

    NSString *actionType = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:name]; 

    if (![actionType isEqualToString:RENDITION_ACTION_TYPE]) { 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen -> screen annot action is not rendition"); 
    [actionType release]; 
    actionType = nil; 
    // get the rendition from the action dictionary 
    CGPDFDictionaryRef renditionDict; 
    if (!CGPDFDictionaryGetDictionary(actionDict, "R", &renditionDict)) { 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen -> rendition action does not have rendition"); 
    // check if the rendition is media or selector 
    const char *renditionType; 
    if (!CGPDFDictionaryGetName(renditionDict, "S", &renditionType)) { 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen -> rendition does not have type"); 
    // check rendition type 
#if DEBUG 
    NSLog(@"rendition type %s",renditionType); 
    NSString *rendTypeString = [[NSString alloc]initWithCString:renditionType]; 
    if (![rendTypeString isEqualToString:@"MR"]) { 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->rendition type is not MR --> %s",renditionType); 

    [rendTypeString release]; 
    rendTypeString =nil; 
    // get media clip dictionary 

    CGPDFDictionaryRef mediaclipDict; 
    if (!CGPDFDictionaryGetDictionary(renditionDict, "C", &mediaclipDict)) { 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->rendition dictionary does not contain clip"); 

    const char * mediaClipType; 
    if (!CGPDFDictionaryGetName(mediaclipDict, "Type", &mediaClipType)) { // optional 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->media clip dictionary does not contain name"); 

    } else { 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->media clip object dictionary name %s",mediaClipType); 

    char const *mediaClipSubtype; 
    if (!CGPDFDictionaryGetName(mediaclipDict, "S", &mediaClipSubtype)) { // required 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->media clip dictionary does not contain name"); 


    NSString *mediaClipSubtypeString = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:mediaClipSubtype]; 
    if (![mediaClipSubtypeString isEqualToString:@"MCD"]) { 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->media clip subtype is not MCD ==>%@",mediaClipSubtype); 

    [mediaClipSubtypeString release]; 
    mediaClipSubtype = nil; 

    // get media clip name 

    CGPDFStringRef mediaClipName; 
    if (!CGPDFDictionaryGetString (mediaclipDict, "N", &mediaClipName)) { // optional 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->media clip dictionary does not contain name"); 

    } else { 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->media clip object dictionary name %s",mediaClipName); 

    // get ASCII MIME type 
    CGPDFStringRef mimeType; 
    if(!CGPDFDictionaryGetString(mediaclipDict, "CT", &mimeType)) { 

#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->media clip object does not contain mime type"); 
    }else { 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->media clip object mime type %s",CGPDFStringGetBytePtr(mimeType)); 

    // get content stream 

    CGPDFDictionaryRef contentDict ; 
    if (!CGPDFDictionaryGetDictionary(mediaclipDict, "D", &contentDict)) { 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->media clip object does not contain content dict"); 


    //check content type 
    const char *contentType; 

    if (!CGPDFDictionaryGetName(contentDict, "Type", &contentType)) { 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->content dict does not have type"); 

    }else { 

#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->content dict type %s",contentType); 

    // get file system 
    const char *fileSystem; 
    if (!CGPDFDictionaryGetName(contentDict, "FS", &fileSystem)) { 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->content dict does not have type"); 

    }else { 

#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->content dict type %s",fileSystem ); 


#if DEBUG 
    CGPDFStringRef description; 
    if (!CGPDFDictionaryGetString (contentDict, "UF", &description)) { 

     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->content dict does not have type"); 

    }else { 
     NSLog(@"PDFSCrollView parseScreen -> contentdict UF %s",CGPDFStringGetBytePtr(description)); 

    // check whether it is a file specification 
    if (strcmp(contentType, "Filespec")!=0) { // it is Filespec 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->content dict type %s is not file specification",contentType); 

    CGPDFStringRef fstring;// I get the file title 
    if (!CGPDFDictionaryGetString (contentDict, "F", &fstring)) { 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->content dict does not have F string"); 


#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->content f string %s",CGPDFStringGetBytePtr(fstring)); 

    CGPDFStreamRef str;// here there's no stream at all 
    if (!CGPDFDictionaryGetStream (contentDict, "F", &str)) { 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->content dict does not have F string"); 


    // reference file 
    CGPDFArrayRef referencedFileDict ; 
    /*** does not find the RF ****/ 
    if (!CGPDFDictionaryGetArray (contentDict, "RF", &referencedFileDict)) { 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->content dict does not contain Referenced file dictionary RF"); 


    CGPDFDictionaryRef embeddedFileDict ; 

    if (!CGPDFDictionaryGetDictionary(contentDict, "EF", &embeddedFileDict)) { 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->content dict does not contain embedded file dictionary EF"); 

    // EF is found sucessfully 

    CGPDFDictionaryRef documentCatalog = CGPDFDocumentGetCatalog(_docRef); 

    CGPDFDictionaryRef namesDict; 

    if (!CGPDFDictionaryGetDictionary (documentCatalog, "Names", &namesDict)) { // optional 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->documentCatalog does not contain Names dict"); 


    CGPDFDictionaryRef destsDict; 

    if (!CGPDFDictionaryGetDictionary (documentCatalog, "Dests", &destsDict)) { // optional 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->documentCatalog does not contain Names dict"); 


    CGPDFDictionaryRef embeddedFilesDict ; 

    if (!CGPDFDictionaryGetDictionary(namesDict, "EmbeddedFiles", &embeddedFilesDict)) { 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->namesDict does not contain embeddedFiles dict"); 


    CGPDFArrayRef namesArray; 
    if (!CGPDFDictionaryGetArray(namesDict, "Names", &namesArray)) { 
#if DEBUG 
     NSLog(@"PDFScrollView parseScreen ->names Dict does not contain Names"); 


コンソール出力であるパー​​ス切り取らadobe devsがadobe SDKと同じように再生します。




私はPDFファイル以外のファイルにメディアをパックしました。私はApple Quartzライブラリを使ってpdfのストリームデータを把握できませんでした。


PDF内から(外部の)メディアファイルをどのように参照しましたか? (この記事の最後の答えはhttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/4594890/pdf-external-streams-in-max-os-x-previewで外部ストリームは機能しません) – thomers


私は2つのアプローチを見てきました。 far: 1-正方形のコメントとそのメタデータを使用する リンクとそのURLを使用して、メディアへの内部パスを形成する。 – Pacu
