=の値に応じて、列のいずれかの値を選択========================================== ===================== a)のための
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
idx = pd.IndexSlice
ix = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
[['2015', '2016', '2017', '2018'],
['2016', '2017', '2018', '2019', '2020'],
['A', 'B', 'C']],
names=['SimulationStart', 'ProjectionPeriod', 'Group']
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(60, 1), index=ix, columns=['Origin'])
origin = df.loc[idx[:, :, :], 'Origin'].values
increase_over_base_percent = 0.3
increase_over_base_abs = 10
abs_level = 1
min_increase = 0.001
'Is there a way to do this comparison without using for loops?'
# The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
change = pd.Series(np.nan)
i = 0
for element in origin:
change[i] = max(
min(element * (1 + increase_over_base_percent),
element + increase_over_base_abs,
element + min_increase)
i += 1
# Write results to a new column in the DataFrame ('Change')
df.loc[idx[:, :, :], 'Change'] = change
# Add data on 'Group' level
group_qualifier = [0, 0, 1]
# Is there a way to apply the group_qualifier to the group level without having to slice each index?
# Note: the formula does not work yet (results are to be reported in a new column of the DataFrame)
df.loc[idx[:], 'GroupQA'] = group_qualifier
'This is the part I am struggling with most (my index values are objects, not integers or floats;'
'and the comparison of values within the DataFrame does not work either)'
# Create new column 'Selected'; use origin values for all combinations where
# projectionPeriod < simulationStart & group_qualifier value == 0;
# use change values for all other combinations
values = df.index.get_level_values
mask = (values('ProjectionPeriod') - values('SimulationStart')) <= 1
mask = mask * df.loc[idx[:], 'GroupQA'].values
selected = df.loc[mask]
df.loc[idx[:, :, :], 'Selected'] = selected
(A)については、私はあなたが避けたいループのために表示されません。 – IanS
@IanS - 混乱のため申し訳ありません。私が話していたforループを反映するようにコードを編集しました。 – Andreas
私の答えを受け入れてくれてありがとう。あなたは他のアイテムに助けが必要でしょうか? – IanS