機能的なプログラミングスタイルを使って辞書を構築したいと思います。私は(減らす)動作するようには思えない - 私が得る「致命的なエラー:オプションの値をアンラップしながら、予想外にnilを見つけ、」Swiftでreduce()を使って辞書を構築する
func loadMoveToCalendarsRules(calendarIndex: Int) -> [String]? {
// return something like ["phone call", "buzz", "ring"]
return NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().objectForKey(generateMoveToCalendarsRules_NSUserDefaultsKey(calendarIndex)) as? [String]
// Add indeces to an array of any type
func addIndices<T>(toArray: [T]) -> [(index: Int, value: T)] {
return Array(zip(toArray.indices, toArray))
typealias CalendarRules = [EKCalendar : [String]]?
func buildCalendarRules(cals: [EKCalendar]) -> CalendarRules {
let sortedCals = cals.sort { $0.title.lowercaseString < $1.title.lowercaseString }
// build move to cal rules.
let indexedCalList = addIndices(sortedCals)
// go through the sorted calendars and build a dictionary that associates each calendar with a string array. (These are keywords that apply to the given calendar.)
let calendarRules = indexedCalList.reduce(nil as CalendarRules) {
accumulator, nextValue in
var retVal: [EKCalendar : [String]]? = accumulator
// if there are values found in NSUserDefaults for this calendar index then retrieve them.
if let rulesForCurrentCal = loadMoveToCalendarsRules(nextValue.index) {
retVal![nextValue.value] = rulesForCurrentCal // fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
return retVal
print("------------ built calendar rules -------------")
print(Array(arrayLiteral: calendarRules?.keys))
print(Array(arrayLiteral: calendarRules?.values))
return calendarRules