Function LookBehindRegex(ByVal inputText As String, nonCaptureRegex As String, _
captureRegex As String)
'Non capturing lookbehind to retrieve reference preceded by a regex group
Dim regEx As New RegExp
Dim intermediate As String
Dim nonCaptureText As String
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
'First set the capture pattern to both regex groups, to capture the whole text
regEx.Pattern = "(" & nonCaptureRegex & ")" & "(" & captureRegex & ")"
'Store that
intermediate = regEx.Execute(inputText)(0)
'Next, set the pattern to only capture the non-capture regex
regEx.Pattern = nonCaptureRegex
'Store the non-capturable text from the intermediate result
nonCaptureText = regEx.Execute(intermediate)(0)
'Finally remove the non-capture text from the intermediate result
TestReg = Replace(intermediate, nonCaptureText, "")
End Function
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