私は、サークルが互いに重なっているかどうかをチェックするサークルクラスプログラムを作成しています。最初に与えられた6つの方法がある:getter methods for x,y, and radius and setter methods for x,y, and radius
(6)。 2つの追加のメソッドがあります:getArea method
(領域の値を返します)とdoesOverLap method
public class MyCircle
private double x;
private double y;
private double radius;
private double other_x; //keeps user input for other_x
private double other_y; //keeps user input for other_y
private double other_radius; //keeps user input for other_radius
private double third_x; //keeps user input for third_x
private double third_y; //keeps user input for third_y
private double third_radius; //keeps user input for third_radius
The setX method stores a value in the x field.
@ param value The value to store in x.
public void setX(double value)
x = value;
The setY method stores a value in the y field.
@ param value The value to store in y.
public void setY(double value)
y = value;
The setRadius method stores a value in the radius field.
@param value The value to store in radius.
public void setRadius(double value)
radius = value;
The getX method returns x's value.
@return The value in the x field.
public double getX()
return x; //returns value input for x
The getY method return y's value.
@return The value in the y field.
public double getY()
return y; //returns value input for y
The getRadius method returns radius's value.
@return The value in the radius field.
public double getRadius()
return radius; //returns value input for radius
The getArea method returns the circle object's area.
@return The product of 3.14159 * radius * radius (area = 3.14159(pie) * radius * radius).
public double getArea()
return radius * radius * 3.14159;
public boolean doesOverlap(MyCircleTest OtherCircleTest)
double distance;
distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(other_x - x, 2) + Math.pow(other_y - y, 2));
return distance < other_radius + radius;
if(distance < other_radius + radius)
System.out.println("My other circle overlaps my circle");
System.out.println("My other circle does not overlap my circle");
The setOtherX method stores a value in the x field.
@ param value The value to store in x.
public void setOtherX(double value)
other_x = value;
The setOtherY method stores a value in the y field.
@ param value The value to store in y.
public void setOtherY(double value)
other_y = value;
The setOtherRadius method stores a value in the radius field.
@param value The value to store in radius.
public void setOtherRadius(double value)
other_radius = value;
The getOtherX method returns x's value.
@return The value in the x field.
public double getOtherX()
return other_x; //returns value input for x
The getY method return y's value.
@return The value in the y field.
public double getOtherY()
return other_y; //returns value input for y
The getRadius method returns radius's value.
@return The value in the radius field.
public double getOtherRadius()
return other_radius; //returns value input for radius
The getArea method returns the circle object's area.
@return The product of 3.14159 * radius * radius (area = 3.14159(pie) * radius * radius).
public double getOtherArea()
return other_radius * other_radius * 3.14159;
public boolean doesOverlap(MyCircleTest OtherCircleTest)
//Equation to see whether circles overlap
double distance_2;
distance_2 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(other_x - third_x, 2) + Math.pow(other_y - third_y, 2));
return distance < other_radius + third_radius;
if(distance_2 < other_radius + third_radius)
System.out.println("My other circle overlaps my third circle");
System.out.println("My other circle does not overlap third circle");
public void setThirdX(double value)
third_x = value;
The setThirdY method stores a value in the third y field.
@ param value The value to store in third y.
public void setThirdY(double value)
third_y = value;
The setThirdRadius method stores a value in the third radius field.
@param value The value to store in third radius.
public void setThirdRadius(double value)
third_radius = value;
The getThirdX method returns third x's value.
@return The value in the third x field.
public double getThirdX()
return third_x; //returns value input for third x
The getY method return third y's value.
@return The value in the third y field.
public double getThirdY()
return third_y; //returns value input for third y
The getThirdRadius method returns third radius's value.
@return The value in the third radius field.
public double getThirdRadius()
return third_radius; //returns value input for third radius
The getArea method returns the circle object's area.
@return The product of 3.14159 * radius * radius (area = 3.14159(pie) * radius * radius).
public double getThirdArea()
return third_radius * third_radius * 3.14159;
public boolean doesOverlap (MyCircleTest ThirdCircleTest)
//Equation to see whether circles overlap
double distance_3;
distance_3 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(third_x - x, 2) + Math.pow(third_y - y, 2));
return distance_3 < third_radius + radius;
if(distance_3 < third_radius + radius)
System.out.println("My third circle overlaps circle");
System.out.println("My third circle does not overlap circle");
私はプログラムの全体的な結果を述べるべきで、最終的な方法、doesOverLap方法、上の問題を抱えています。 2つの円が重なっているかどうかを示す必要があります。また、私は自分のコードではない各円の面積値を表示することになっています。
要件は次のとおりです。 サークルオブジェクトが3つあります。そのうち2つは重複する必要があり、2つは削除しないでください。 3つの円の領域が表示されます。 doesOverLapメソッドは、どのサークルがラップを超えているか、どのサークルはラップしていないかを示す必要があります。どんな助けでも大歓迎です。
ヒント:半径 'の合計が中心間の距離より大きい場合、2つの円が重複します。
あなたのコードはオブジェクト指向ではありません。あなたの3つのサークルは同じクラスのオブジェクトでなければなりません。あなたのコードでは、サークルクラスはすべてのサークルの位置を保存します。さらに、いくつかのdoesOverlapメソッドがありますが、そうではありません。 –