{"results": [[1, "Probability and Stochastic Processes", 9781118324561, "Roy D. Yates", "2014-01-01", "Wiley"], [2, "Interaction Design", 9781119020752, "Rogers Price", "2015-01-01", "John Wiley & Sons"], [3, "Microeconomics", 9780077501808, "Colander", "2013-01-01", "McGraw Hill"], [4, "jfalksdjf", 123123, "test", "1990-01-01", "Penguin"]]}
多くのことを試してみましたdef test_noIDGiven(self):
response = self.client.get(reverse('allTextbooks')) #returns the json array above
#check that there are three textbooks in the response
#print(response.content['results'][0][0]) - this didnt work
self.assertEquals(response.content[0][0], 1) #basically want to access the id of the first object and make sure it is 1
詳細情報: - i 'はallTextbooks' API呼び出しが戻るこの逆とき:
results = list(Textbook.objects.values_list())
return JsonResponse({'results': results})
.textはレスポンスの属性ではなく、response.contentを試してみると「JSONオブジェクトはstrでなければならない」というエラーが発生する – user4151797