2016-07-20 11 views

私は、通常は.responseまたは.labelの後ろにalamofire関数を持つことに慣れています。 this post中かそこらなどのようなresponseJSON:AlamoFire用のPOST関数の呼び出しで補完ハンドラを持つ方法は?

func checkInLocation (accessToken: String, id: Int, latitude: Double, radius: Double, longitude: Double, completionHandler: String) { 

    let headers = [ 

    "Authorization": "bearer \(accessToken)", 
    "Cache-Control": "no-cache", 
    "Content-Type": "application/json" 

    let parameters: [String: AnyObject] = [ 
    "id" : id, 
    "latitude": latitude, 
    "radius": radius, 
    "languageCulture": "en" 

    Alamofire.request(.POST, "\(baseApiUrl)members/\(id)/checkin", parameters: parameters, encoding: .JSON, headers: headers) 
    .responseJSON(completionHandler: { response in 

     if((response.result.value) != nil) { 

     let swiftyJsonVar = JSON(response.result.value!) 

     print("This is the checkin response:\(swiftyJsonVar)") 


checkInLocation(userInfo.sharedInstance.getAccessToken(), id: userInfo.sharedInstance.getMemberID()!, latitude: currentUserLatitude!, radius: 0.3, longitude: currentUserLongitude!, completionHandler: { 

     //get JSON response data here 


だから問題は何ですか? (任意のオブジェクト、NSError> - > Void) 'func checkInLocation(accessToken:String、id:Int、緯度:Double、半径:Double、経度:Double、completionHandler: – Brandon




// 1. specify the completion and variables/ data you want to pass. can be more than one with different types (depends on your need) 
func checkInLocation (accessToken: String, id: Int, latitude: Double, radius: Double, longitude: Double, completionHandler: (json: JSON) -> Void) { 

    let headers = [ 

     "Authorization": "bearer \(accessToken)", 
     "Cache-Control": "no-cache", 
     "Content-Type": "application/json" 

    let parameters: [String: AnyObject] = [ 
     "id" : id, 
     "latitude": latitude, 
     "radius": radius, 
     "languageCulture": "en" 

    Alamofire.request(.POST, "\(baseApiUrl)members/\(id)/checkin", parameters: parameters, encoding: .JSON, headers: headers) 
     .responseJSON(completionHandler: { response in 

      if((response.result.value) != nil) { 

       let swiftyJsonVar = JSON(response.result.value!) 

       // 2. now pass your variable/result to completion handler 
       completionHandler(json: swiftyJsonVar) 

       print("This is the checkin response:\(swiftyJsonVar)") 

checkInLocation(String, id: Int, latitude: Double, radius: Double, longitude: Double) { (json) in 