2016-09-09 20 views




サンプル例ですか?これまでに何をしていますか? – Hayt




import QtQuick 2.7 
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 

Grid { 
    id: rtfm 

    columns: 2 
    rows: 3 
    spacing: 5 

    // Password stuff 
    Label { 
     id: password_label 
     text: qsTr("Password") 

    TextField { 
     id: password_field 
     placeholderText: qsTr("Write your password") 
     echoMode: TextInput.Password 

    // Confirm password stuff 
    Label { 
     id: confirm_password_label 
     text: qsTr("Confirm password") 

    TextField { 
     id: confirm_field 
     placeholderText: qsTr("Confirm the password") 
     echoMode: TextInput.Password 

     // Called each time the user types in the confirm password text field. 
     onTextChanged: { 
      // Checks whether the password and its confirmation are the same. 
      if (password_field.text === confirm_field.text) { 
       text_color_box.text = qsTr("Password and confirm password match."); 
       text_color_box.color = "#00ff00"; 
      else { 
       text_color_box.text = qsTr("Password and confirm password do not match."); 
       text_color_box.color = "#ff0000"; 

    // Your text color box 
    Text { 
     id: text_color_box 
     text: qsTr("Let's match password and confirm password.") 

-1を与えるのはなぜですか? –



Text { 
    id: enterpassword 
    text: "Enter Password" 

Rectangle { 
    id: rectpassword 
    width: 300 
    height: 50 
    anchors.top: enterpassword.bottom 
    anchors.topMargin: 10 
    border.width: 1 
    border.color: "#c0c0c0" 
    TextInput { 
     id: password 
     anchors.fill: parent 
     echoMode: TextInput.Password 

Text { 
    id: confirmtext 
    anchors.top: rectpassword.bottom 
    anchors.topMargin: 10 
    text: "Confirm Password" 

Rectangle { 
    id: confirmpassword 
    width: 300 
    height: 50 
    anchors.top: confirmtext.bottom 
    anchors.topMargin: 10 
    border.width: 1 
    border.color: confirmPassword.text === password.text ? "#c0c0c0" :"red" 

    TextInput { 
     id: confirmPassword 
     anchors.fill: parent 
     echoMode: TextInput.Password 