2017-10-05 14 views


static synchronized void broadcast(String message, String name) throws IOException 
     // Sends the message to every client including the sender. 
     Socket s; 
     PrintWriter p; 
     for (int i = 0; i < clientList.size(); i++) 
      s = clientList.get(i); 
      p = new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream(), true); 
      p.println(name+": "+message); 

お知らせ:// Sends the message to every client including the sender

を言うラインを目標:それはするように方法を変更:私は上記のコードように幅広いに作ることができるどのような変更//Sends the message to every client EXCEPT the sender


それはすべてのクライアントに送信されるように引き起こしている行は、一部の人々が使用して提案しているp.println(name+": "+message);


Map<Integer, java.net.Socket> clients = new HashMap<Integer, java.net.Socket>(); が、どのようにだろうIそのハッシュマップをforループで使用して、送信者以外のすべてのクライアントにブロードキャストしますか? ハッシュマップを使用してにメッセージをブロードキャストしているクライアントから クライアントを除外した例がありますか?現在私はclientListという変数を持っていますが、これをハッシュマップに置き換えるべきですか?コードの


import java.io.*; 
import java.net.*; 
import java.util.*; 
public class ChatServer 

     * Sets up a server for multiple conversations. 
     * Join in by typing 
     * telnet x y 
     * where x and y are the computer's name and port as 
     * given when the Chatter starts. 

     private static LinkedList<Socket> clientList = new LinkedList<Socket>(); 

     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException 
      // Get the port and create a socket there. 
      int port = 8190; 
      ServerSocket listener = new ServerSocket(port); 
      System.out.println("The Chat Server is running on port "+port); 

      // Listen for clients. Start a new handler for each. 
      // Add each client to the list. 
      while (true) 
       Socket client = listener.accept(); 
       new ChatHandler(client).start(); 
       System.out.println("New client on client's port "+ client.getPort()); 

     static synchronized void broadcast(String message, String name) throws IOException 
      // Sends the message to every client including the sender. 
      Socket s; 
      PrintWriter p; 
      for (int i = 0; i < clientList.size(); i++) 
       s = clientList.get(i); 
       p = new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream(), true); 
       p.println(name+": "+message); 
     static synchronized void remove(Socket s) 

    class ChatHandler extends Thread 

     /* The Chat Handler class is called from the Chat Server: 
     * one thread for each client coming in to chat. 

     private BufferedReader in; 
     private PrintWriter out; 
     private Socket toClient; 
     private String name; 

     ChatHandler(Socket s) 
      toClient = s; 

     public void run() 
       /* Create i-o streams through the socket we were given 
       * when the thread was instantiated and welcome the new client. 

       in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(toClient.getInputStream())); 
       out = new PrintWriter(toClient.getOutputStream(), true); 
       out.println("*** Welcome to the Chatter ***"); 
       out.println("Type BYE to end"); 
       out.print("What is your name? "); 
       String name = in.readLine(); 
       ChatServer.broadcast(name+" has joined the discussion.", "Chatter"); 

       // Read lines and send them off for broadcasting. 
       while (true) 
        String s = in.readLine(); 
        if (s.startsWith("BYE")) 
         ChatServer.broadcast(name+" has left the discussion.", "Chatter"); 
        ChatServer.broadcast(s, name); 
      catch (Exception e) 
       System.out.println("Chatter error: "+e); 

のようなメソッドを呼び出しますギリシャ語、絵文字などを別のコンピュータでやりとりすることができます。そうしないと、すべてのコンピュータがデフォルトのエンコードを使用します。 –


static synchronized void broadcast(Socket sender, String message, String name) throws IOException { //Add the sender socket here. 
     // Sends the message to every client including the sender. 
     Socket s; 
     PrintWriter p; 
     for (int i = 0; i < clientList.size(); i++) 
      s = clientList.get(i); 
      if(s != sender) { //If the client is not equal to sender. 
       p = new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream(), true); 
       p.println(name+": "+message); 

`InputStreamReader`と` PrintWriter`の両方にUTF-8( `StandardCharsets.UTF_8`)を追加し、この

ChatServer.broadcast(toClient, s, name); //The toClient variable is inside your chathandler which is the reference to the socket which is the sender.