2017-10-24 7 views



は[ 'imap' NPMパッケージ](https://github.com/mscdex/node-imap)の上に独自のロジックを構築することは良いかもしれませんアイディア。 –



受信メールを受信したときに、サーバーにREST API呼び出しを行うようにsendgridに指示できます。

あなたは電子メールを送信し、返信するあなたは、これらの要求を処理するために、サーバーのコード内のエンドポイントを設定する@ chat-reply.myserver.com



import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor' 
formidable = require('formidable');  // Formidable does upload form/file parsing 
import { Profiles } from '../imports/api/collections'; 
import { inboundReply } from '../imports/api/inbound/methods.js'; 

const debug = require('debug')('myapp:inbound') 

// Needs to run on the server and client, why this is not in the routing.js file 
// which is only only runs on the client. 
// Inbound emails, for loop reply 
// This is a RESTAPI end point which is called by sendgrid, 
// any email to [email protected] will come here. Our job 
// is to parse it , work out which loop it relates to, and save it as a message 
// in the database 
Router.route('/inbound', function() { 

    // Need to use formidable because SendGrid inbound data is encoded as a multipart/form-data 
    const form = new formidable.IncomingForm(); 
    // Meteor bind eviron. to get callback 
    let r = this.response 
    form.parse(this.request, Meteor.bindEnvironment(function (error, fields, files) { 
     if (error) 
     let errs = [] 

     // Gets the to field 
     const toField = _.find(fields, function(value, key) { if (key === 'to') { return value; }}); 

     // Gets the from field 
     const fromField = _.find(fields, function(value, key) { if (key === 'from') { return value; }}); 

     // Gets the html content, email 
     const content = _.find(fields, function(value, key) { if (key === 'text') { return value; }}); 

     let cleanContent; 
     if (content){ 
     // Logger.trace({content: content}); 
     // Regex removes html 
     // cleanContent = content.replace(/<br>/ig, "\n"); 
     // const regex = /(<([^>]+)>)/ig 
     // cleanContent = cleanContent.replace(regex, ""); 
     // Logger.trace({cleanContent: cleanContent}); 
     let lines = content.split(/\n/); 
     debug("Incoming body",lines); 

お返事ありがとうございます。私はこれを実装します – Vaidya


'const toField = fields.to;'ではなく '_.find(...)'を使うことで何ができますか? – Styx


あなたは正しいです、それは最高のコードではありません:)他の人 – Mikkel
