import hashlib
import socket
import struct
class blommy(object):
def __init__(self):
self.bitarray= [0]*2048
def hashes(self,ip):
#convert decimal dotted quad string to long integer"
intip= struct.unpack('>L',socket.inet_aton(ip))[0] #>converting stringt to int
index = [0, 1]
hbyte = hashlib.sha1(intip) # # #sha1 doesnt accept int ? what needs to be done?
index[0] = ord(hbyte[0])| ord(hbyte[1])<< 8
index[1] = ord(hbyte[2])| ord(hbyte[3])<< 8
# how do i shift the bits?
//fixed parameters
k = 2
m = 256*8
//the filter
byte[m/8] bloom ##
function insertIP(byte[] ip) {
byte[20] hash = sha1(ip)
int index1 = hash[0] | hash[1] << 8 # how to in python?
int index2 = hash[2] | hash[3] << 8
// truncate index to m (11 bits required)
index1 %= m ## ?
index2 %= m ## ?
// set bits at index1 and index2
bloom[index1/8] |= 0x01 << index1 % 8 ## ??
bloom[index2/8] |= 0x01 << index2 % 8 ## ??
// insert IP into the filter:
insertIP(byte[4] {192,168,1,1})
C#タグとJavaScriptタグは何ですか? – alexn
@alexn probbaly元のコードはC#ではなく、Cです。配列型の構文(実際のC#ではありませんが) – wRAR
元のコードがc#、cなどにあっても問題はありません。 – Shazib