私は現在、テキストブックを使って自分自身の基本的なJavaを教えており、自分自身に「宿題の問題」を与えましたが、メソッドの.txtファイルに書き込むときに問題があります。それは2人以上を取ることを望んでいません。 )java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException?
例外「メイン」java.lang.ArrayはIndexOutOfBoundsException: Business1.dataCollectでは、( Business1.java:210)私は非常に任意のヒントをいただければと思いますBusiness1.main(Business1.java:62)
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class Business1
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
// Declare local variables
int menuChoice;
// Declare local objects
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
// Display the program title
+ "\t\t\t\t* Average Customer Payment Calculator *\n"
+ "\t\t\t\t***************************************\n\n\n");
// Start of a do-while loop: Continues the program as long as the user doesn't choose to exit
// Start of a do-while loop: Input Validation (menuChoice must be between 1 - 4)
// Prompt user for menuChoice
System.out.print("\tPlease enter an integer in accordance to the given choices:\n\n"
+ "\t(1) Collect and Erase Old Data\n"
+ "\t(2) Read Saved Data\n"
+ "\t(3) Append Old Data\n"
+ "\t(4) Exit Program\n\n"
+"\tEnter Choice: ");
menuChoice = input.nextInt();
// If menuChoice is equal to 1: Erase old Data and Collect and Write new data
if(menuChoice == 1)
catch(IOException e)
// else if menuChoice is equal to 2: Read Saved Data
else if(menuChoice == 2)
// else if menuChoice is equal to 3: Append Old Data
else if(menuChoice == 3)
// else if menuChoice is equal to 4: Exit Program
else if(menuChoice == 4)
// else display error message: Error. Please enter a number 1 - 4
System.out.println("\n\nERROR. Please enter a number 1 - 4\n\n");
// End of do-while loop: Input Validation (menuChoice must be between 1 - 4)
} while(menuChoice < 1 || menuChoice > 4);
// End of a do-while loop: Continues the program as long as the user doesn't choose to exit
} while(menuChoice != 4);
// Create a method named dataCollect
public static void dataCollect() throws IOException
// Declare local variables
int numPeople, numPayments /* array size for payments */;
double totalPayments = 0, averagePayment;
double [] paymentsArray /* different payments */, averagePaymentsArray;
String [][] namesArray /* First name, last name in array */;
// Declare objects
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
// Prompt user for the number of people they would like to add to the records and store in variable numPeople
System.out.print("\tHow many people would you like to add to your records?\n\n\tEnter an integer: ");
numPeople = keyboard.nextInt();
// Initialize arrays
namesArray = new String[numPeople][2];
// Create a counter for the for-loop
int count = 0;
// For-loop will prompt user for first and last name of each person
for(int i = 1; i <= numPeople; i++)
// Consume the remaining newline character
// Prompt user for first name
System.out.print("\tPlease enter the FIRST name of person #" + i +": ");
namesArray[count][0] = keyboard.nextLine();
//Prompt user for last name
System.out.print("\tPlease enter the LAST name of person #" + i + ": ");
namesArray[count][1] = keyboard.nextLine();
// Reset counter for the next for-loop
count = 0;
int count2 = 1; // Used to keep track of which payment number the user is inputing
int count3 = 0;
int count4 = -1;
// ****************************************************************
// * Open file for input ******************************************
// ****************************************************************
PrintWriter outputFile = new PrintWriter("BusinessData.txt");
outputFile.println("\t\t\tBusiness Data\n\n");
outputFile.println("First Name\tLast Name\tP 1\t\tP 2\t\t P 3\t\tAverage Payments\n\n"
+ "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
// For-loop will ask for number of payments each person made while also collecting the value of each of those payments in a nested for-loop.
for(int i = 0; i < numPeople; i++)
// Prompt user for first name
System.out.print("\tPlease enter the number of payments made by " + namesArray[count][0] +" " + namesArray[count][1] + "(Put in 3 for now) : ");
numPayments = keyboard.nextInt();
// Initialize array then reset it for the next person to come
paymentsArray = new double[numPayments];
for(int j = 0; j < numPayments; j++)
// ****************************************************************
// * Open file for input ******************************************
// ****************************************************************
System.out.print("\n\n\tPlease enter payment value of payment #" + count2 + " that " + namesArray[count][0] +" " + namesArray[count][1] + " made: $");
paymentsArray[j] = keyboard.nextDouble();
// Increment counter
// ************************************************************************
// * Calculating Average Payment ******************************************
// ************************************************************************
// For loop for calculating average
for(int k = 0; k < numPayments; k++)
totalPayments += paymentsArray[k];
// Calculate the Average Payment
averagePayment = totalPayments/paymentsArray.length;
********** BUG LIES IN THE WRITING **************
// nested for-loop will write data now otherwise it'll just be wiped out and overwritten by the next input
for(int l = 1; l < numPeople; l++)
// Increment counter4
// Output first name
// Increment counter3
// Output last name
outputFile.print("\t\t" + namesArray[count4][count3] + "\t\t");
// Reset counter3
count3 = 0;
for (int m = 0; m < numPayments; m++)
outputFile.print(paymentsArray[m] + "\t\t");
outputFile.println(averagePayment + "\n\n");
// Reset total Payments for the next iteration
totalPayments = 0.0;
// Increment the counter
// End of dataCollect method
ごめんなさい。私は戻って、エラーメッセージを追加しました。ここでは、次のとおりです。スレッド "メイン" java.lang.ArrayはIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionで 例外:3 \t Business1.dataCollectで(Business1.java:210) \t Business1.mainで(Business1.java:62)そのことについて申し訳ありません – jonnybro