私は、オブジェクトコンストラクタを使用して、バニラのjavascriptで基本的なtic tac toeゲームを作成しようとしています。新しいゲームのたびにtic tac toeボードの新しいインスタンスを作成したいと思います(例:var game = new TicTacToe())。これは2人のプレイヤーのゲームになり、プレーがそれぞれのマーカーをボード上に置くたびに、ボード上のスロットのパラメータを取るオブジェクトインスタンス(game.play(spot))を呼び出します取る。私は奇数のターンがXになるようにカウンタを作って、さらにOになるようにカウンタを作った。javascript - tic tac toe boardを更新する
// basic requirements
// var game = new TicTacToe();
// game.play(3) // 1 - 9
// keep track of if it's x or o's turn
// if someone wins, don't allow any more moves
// display winner
// display tie if neither player wins
// game.showBoard()
// show the board
// 1 2 3
// 4 5 6
// 7 8 9
// create an object constructor
function TicTacToe() {
//instance of TicTacToe board
this.TicTacToe = TicTacToe;
// creates a matrix (array with 3 subarrays
// creates a new board instance
this.newBoard = [
// creates a matrix (array with 3 subarrays
// each subarray will have 3 indices
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9]
this.currentBoard = this.newBoard;
// declares players and their respective symbols
// each player has separate variable so the winner can be declared at the end
// and score can be recorded
this.player1 = 'X';
this.player2 = 'O';
// this.currentPlayer;
this.gameOver = false;
// keeps track of turns
this.turn = 1;
// create createBoard method
// creates a new Board whenever new instance of TicTacToe is created
TicTacToe.prototype.boardState = function() {
// play method
TicTacToe.prototype.play = function(spot) {
this.state = this.currentBoard;
//what spot stands for
if(spot === 1){
this.boardSlot = this.state[0][0]
} else if (spot === 2) {
this.boardSlot = this.state[0][1]
} else if (spot === 3) {
this.boardSlot = this.state[0][2]
} else if (spot === 4) {
this.boardSlot = this.state[1][0]
} else if (spot === 5) {
this.boardSlot = this.state[1][1]
} else if (spot === 6) {
this.boardSlot = this.state[1][2]
} else if (spot === 7) {
this.boardSlot = this.state[2][0]
} else if (spot === 8) {
this.boardSlot = this.state[2][1]
} else if (spot === 9) {
this.boardSlot = this.state[2][2]
//checks to see if spot chosen is valid or taken
//return true if passes both tests
var isValid = function() {
// can only choose spots 1-9
// create error if other number chosen
if (spot < 1 || spot > 9) {
return 'incorrect input, must choose between 1 and 9'
//checks to see if slot is taken
// a) check if spot is available
else if(typeof this.boardSlot !== number){
console.log('please try another slot, this one is taken');
return true;
function setMark() {
if(isValid === true){
// keeps track of current player
// if turn is odd, player is X
if (this.turn % 2 !== 0) {
this.currentPlayer = this.player1;
// if even, player is O
else {
this.currentPlayer = this.player2;
//b) a player has won (has 3 repeating letters either vertically, horizontally, diagonally)
function checkWin() {
if(this.state[0][0] === 'X' && this.state[0][1] === 'X' && this.state[0][2] === 'X'){
this.gameOver = true;
return 'Player 1 wins!'
} else if(this.state[0][0] === 'X' && this.state[1][0] === 'X' && this.state[2][0] === 'X') {
this.gameOver = true;
return 'Player 1 wins!'
} else if(this.state[1][0] === 'X' && this.state[1][1] === 'X' && this.state[1][2] === 'X') {
this.gameOver = true;
return 'Player 1 wins!'
} else if(this.state[2][0] === 'X' && this.state[2][1] === 'X' && this.state[2][2] === 'X') {
this.gameOver = true;
return 'Player 1 wins!'
} else if(this.state[0][0] === 'X' && this.state[1][1] === 'X' && this.state[2][2] === 'X') {
this.gameOver = true;
return 'Player 1 wins!'
} else if(this.state[0][2] === 'X' && this.state[1][1] === 'X' && this.state[2][0] === 'X') {
this.gameOver = true;
return 'Player 1 wins!'
} else if(this.state[0][1] === 'X' && this.state[1][1] === 'X' && this.state[2][1] === 'X') {
this.gameOver = true;
return 'Player 1 wins!'
} else if(this.state[0][2] === 'X' && this.state[1][2] === 'X' && this.state[2][2] === 'X') {
this.gameOver = true;
return 'Player 1 wins!'
} else if(this.state[0][0] === 'O' && this.state[0][1] === 'O' && this.state[0][2] === 'O'){
this.gameOver = true;
return 'Player 1 wins!'
} else if(this.state[0][0] === 'O' && this.state[1][0] === 'O' && this.state[2][0] === 'O') {
this.gameOver = true;
return 'Player 1 wins!'
} else if(this.state[1][0] === 'O' && this.state[1][1] === 'O' && this.state[1][2] === 'O') {
this.gameOver = true;
return 'Player 1 wins!'
} else if(this.state[2][0] === 'O' && this.state[2][1] === 'O' && this.state[2][2] === 'O') {
this.gameOver = true;
return 'Player 1 wins!'
} else if(this.state[0][0] === 'O' && this.state[1][1] === 'O' && this.state[2][2] === 'O') {
this.gameOver = true;
return 'Player 1 wins!'
} else if(this.state[0][2] === 'O' && this.state[1][1] === 'O' && this.state[2][0] === 'O') {
this.gameOver = true;
return 'Player 1 wins!'
} else if(this.state[0][1] === 'O' && this.state[1][1] === 'O' && this.state[2][1] === 'O') {
this.gameOver = true;
return 'Player 1 wins!'
} else if(this.state[0][2] === 'O' && this.state[1][2] === 'O' && this.state[2][2] === 'O') {
this.gameOver = true;
return 'Player 1 wins!'
// c) if all the spots are filled
// turns can only go up to 9
// console log that the players have tied
// if either a or b occur, console log the game is over
// no more moves accepted
if(this.turns === 9) {
this.gameOver = true
return "Cat's game! Both players have tied"
} else if (this.gameOver === true) {
return "This game is over. Please start another."
var game = new TicTacToe();
ああもっと意味があります。ありがとうございました :) – froggyguts