私の接続数を超えない限り、websocketコードは正常に動作します。 503エラーが発生したときにトラップしたい。表示されるコンソール出力は次のようになります。javascriptでwebsocket 503 max connectionsをトラップする方法はありますか?
SCRIPT12008: WebSocket Error: Incorrect HTTP response. Status code 503, Number of active WebSocket requests has reached the maximum concurrent WebSocket requests allowed.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/base.css" />
<title>Yielding Loop</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var c = 0;
var t;
var timer_is_on = 0;
var m_connection = null;
var m_socket_address = "ws://edgeplay.azurewebsites.net/ws";
function timedCount()
document.getElementById("txt").value = c;
outmsg("tick=" + c);
c = c + 1;
t = setTimeout(function() { timedCount() }, 3000);
function startCount()
if (!timer_is_on)
timer_is_on = 1;
function stopCount()
timer_is_on = 0;
function SocketInit()
if ("WebSocket" in window)
outmsg("WebSocket supported, gtg.");
outmsg("WebSocket NOT SUPPORTED, bailing out");
return 0;
outmsg("connecting to " + m_socket_address);
m_connection = new WebSocket(m_socket_address);
catch (err)
outmsg("error creating new socket - " + err);
outmsg("error.name:" + err.name);
outmsg("error.message:" + err.message);
m_connection.onopen = function (openEvent)
outmsg("WebSocket.OnOpen - GTG: " + m_socket_address);
m_connection.onmessage = function (messageEvent)
outmsg('WebSocket.onmessage - Server Reply:: ' + messageEvent.data);
m_connection.onerror = function (errorEvent)
outmsg("WebSocket Status:: Error was reported.");
outmsg("WebSocket errorEvent: " + errorEvent);
outmsg("Stopping count");
var h1 = document.getElementById("h1Main");
h1.style = "background-color:red;";
m_connection.onclose = function (closeEvent)
outmsg("WebSocket Status:: Socket Closed");
outmsg("closeEvent.code:" + closeEvent.code);
outmsg("closeEvent.data:" + closeEvent.data);
catch (exception)
outmsg("exception: " + exception);
var m_input = null;
var m_querystring = null;
function echoTest()
m_input = m_input == null ? document.getElementById("textEcho") : m_input;
m_connection.send(m_input.value + location.search);
catch (err)
outmsg("eating error " + err);
var m_out = null;
var outd = null;
function outmsg(msg)
m_out = (m_out == null) ? document.getElementById("divOutput") : m_out;
outd = new Date();
m_out.innerHTML = outd.toLocaleTimeString() + ": " + msg + "<br/>" + m_out.innerHTML;
<body onload="SocketInit();startCount();">
<h1 id="h1Main">Yielding Loop</h1>
<button onclick="SocketInit();startCount();">Init socket and start count</button>
<input type="text" id="txt">
<button onclick="stopCount()">Stop count!</button>
<span>text to echo: </span><input type="text" value="BLUE" id="textEcho"/>
<div id="divOutput" style="background-color:antiquewhite; border:3px; width:900px;">
<hr />
1:04:59 PM: --- closeEvent.reason:
1:04:59 PM: --- closeEvent.data:undefined
1:04:59 PM: --- closeEvent.code:1006
1:04:59 PM: WebSocket.onClose
1:04:59 PM: --- Stopping count
1:04:59 PM: --- errorEvent.type: error
1:04:59 PM: --- errorEvent: [object Event]
1:04:59 PM: WebSocket.onerror
503が発生したとき、正確に「onerror」が表示されますか? – jfriend00
がエラーにデバッグされました。それほど良いことではありません。以下の出力ライン。逆のクロノ。私たちはより良い書式を得るためにQに配置。 1:04:59 PM --- --- closeEvent.reason: 1:04:59 PM --- --- closeEvent.data:undefined 1: 04:59 PM:--- closeEvent.code:1006 1:04:59 PM:WebSocket.onClose 1:04:59 PM :---停止カウント 1:04:59 PM:--- errorEvent.type:エラー 1:04:59 PM:--- errorEvent:[---]オブジェクトイベント] 1:04:59 PM:WebSocket.onerror –
'errorEvent'には何がありますか? – jfriend00