2017-04-04 3 views

Updated Demo : 何か助けが大変ありがとう!私はカウンタスライダを必要とするjQueryカルーセル/スライダを持っています

私は垂直のサムネイルを使って完璧に動作しているカルーセル/スライダを開発しましたが、次のカウントをスクロールするたびにスライド数を表示する必要があります。 yahoo.comスライダー(https://www.yahoo.com/news/)のように、矢印が下向き矢印&となります。


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       <h2><a href="#">15+ Excellent High Speed Photographs</a></h2> 
       <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tincidunt condimentum lacus. Pellentesque ut diam....<a href="#">read more</a></p> 

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      <h2><a href="#">20 Beautiful Long Exposure Photographs</a></h2> 
      <p>Vestibulum leo quam, accumsan nec porttitor a, euismod ac tortor. Sed ipsum lorem, sagittis non egestas id, suscipit....<a href="#">read more</a></p> 

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      <h2><a href="#">35 Amazing Logo Designs</a></h2> 
      <p>liquam erat volutpat. Proin id volutpat nisi. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur facilisis sollicitudin ornare....<a href="#">read more</a></p> 
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      <h2><a href="#">Create Vintage Photograph in Photoshop</a></h2> 
      <p>Quisque sed orci ut lacus viverra interdum ornare sed est. Donec porta, erat eu pretium luctus, leo augue sodales....<a href="#">11read more</a></p> 
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      <h2><a href="#">Create Vintage Photograph in Photoshop</a></h2> 
      <p>Quisque sed orci ut lacus viverra interdum ornare sed est. Donec porta, erat eu pretium luctus, leo augue sodales....<a href="#">11read more</a></p> 

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         <span>15+ Excellent High Speed Photographs</span> 

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         <span>15+ Excellent High Speed Photographs</span> 



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         <span>15+ Excellent High Speed Photographs</span> 

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         <img src="images/image2-small.jpg" alt="" /> 
        <span>15+ Excellent High Speed Photographs</span> 


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         <span>15+ Excellent High Speed Photographs</span> 

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         <span>15+ Excellent High Speed Photographs</span> 


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         <span>15+ Excellent High Speed Photographs</span> 

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         <span>15+ Excellent High Speed Photographs</span> 


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         <span>15+ Excellent High Speed Photographs</span> 

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          <img src="images/image4-small.jpg" alt="" /> 
         <span>15+ Excellent High Speed Photographs</span> 


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      <span class="s-counter">1-4 of 20</span> 
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       <div class="up-arrow">Scroll up</div> 
       <div class="down-arrow">Scroll down</div> 



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$("#featured > ul").tabs({fx:{opacity: "toggle"}})//.tabs("rotate", 5000, true); 
var sliderNavLength = $('.ui-tabs-nav li').length; 

$('.slide-counter').find('.s-counter').text("1 - " + sliderNavLength); 

alert(" sliderNavLength - " + sliderNavLength); 




私はそれを作った.. をここdemo

DEMO with disabled Arrow keys


     $("#featured").tabs({fx:{opacity: "toggle", duration: "fast"}}); 

     var sliderNavLength = $('.ui-tabs-nav li').length; 
     var sliderNavUlHeight = $(".ui-tabs-nav")[0].scrollHeight; 

     var sliderNavLiHeight = 0; 

     $(".ui-tabs-nav li:lt(3)").each(function() { 
      sliderNavLiHeight += $(this).height(); 
     var recCount = 3; 

     $('.ui-tabs-nav li:first-child()').addClass('firstChild'); 
     $('.ui-tabs-nav li:last-child()').addClass('lastChild'); 

     $('.slide-counter').find('.s-counter').text(" of " + sliderNavLength);  


      if (recCount > 3) { 

       var sliderScrollCountMinus = $('.ui-tabs-nav').scrollTop() - sliderNavLiHeight; 
       $('.ui-tabs-nav').animate({ scrollTop: sliderScrollCountMinus }, 1000); 
       $('.counter').val(parseInt($('.counter').val()) - 3); 
       $('.counterSingle').val(parseInt($('.counterSingle').val()) - 3); 

       recCount = recCount - 3; 


      if (sliderNavLength > recCount) { 
       var sliderScrollCountPlus = $('.ui-tabs-nav').scrollTop() + sliderNavLiHeight; 
       $('.ui-tabs-nav').animate({ scrollTop: sliderScrollCountPlus }, 1000); 

       $('.counter').val(parseInt($('.counter').val()) + 3); 
       $('.counterSingle').val(parseInt($('.counterSingle').val()) + 3); 

       recCount = recCount + 3;    
