2016-09-12 45 views



UPDATE 削除むしろ愚かなコードされるだろう変換行列を構築関わる、私は(CUMSUMについて忘れて)

# Convert vector of counts to ridits 

to.ridit <- function(v) { 
    (cumsum(v) - .5 * v)/sum(v) 

# Calculate mean ridit for vector of counts relative to reference group 

mean.ridit <- function(v, ref) { 
    sum(to.ridit(ref) * v)/sum(v) 

# Calculate mean ridits for several groups 
# x is matrix of counts 
# margin is 1 for groups in rows, 2 for groups in columns 
# If ref is omitted, totals across groups are used as reference group 
# If ref is a vector of counts, it's used as reference group 
# Otherwise, ref is the number (or name if it exists) of the group to use as reference 

ridits <- function(x, margin, ref=NULL) { 
    if (length(ref) > 1) { 
    refgroup <- ref 
    } else if (length(ref) == 1) { 
    if (margin==1) { 
     refgroup <- x[ref,] 
    } else { 
     refgroup <- x[, ref] 
    } else { 
    refgroup <- apply(x, 3-margin, sum) 
    apply(x, margin, mean.ridit, refgroup) 

例(Fleiss、1981:車のACの重症度cidents):私のコードは別の答えで述べたRidit :: riditパッケージよりもやや小さい柔軟ではあるが

to.ridit(c(17, 54, 60, 19, 9, 6, 14)) 

[1] 0.04748603 0.24581006 0.56424581 0.78491620 0.86312849 0.90502793 0.96089385 


# Influenza subtypes by age as of week ending 2/24/18 (US CDC) 

> flu.age 
     BY BV BU H3 H1 
0-4 274 91 92 1808 500 
5-24 1504 274 698 5090 951 
25-64 1665 101 567 7538 1493 
65+ 1476 35 330 9541 515 

# Using CRAN package 

> system.time(ridit(flu.age,2)) 
    user system elapsed 
    3.746 0.007 3.756 

# Using my code 

> system.time(ridits(flu.age,2)) 
    user system elapsed 
    0.001 0.000 0.000 


任意の参照グループを指定できるKruskal-Wallisテストの拡張。また、グループごとに Mean Riditも提供してください。グループの平均Riditは、そのグループからのランダムな観測値 が参照グループからのランダムな観測値以上である確率の推定値です。

