1064 - あなたのSQL構文でエラーが発生しています。 「 たとえばテキストCOMMENT 『レコードをcliCommandするために参照するの近くに』 COMMENT」FOREIGN KEYを使用する権利構文についてはMySQLサーバのバージョンに対応するマニュアルを確認してくださいライン4
cliCommandId INT(11) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL COMMENT 'Auto_Increment primary key used for interal purposes' AUTO_INCREMENT,
code ENUM('CI', 'LX', 'MO', 'SQ', 'UX', 'WI') NOT NULL COMMENT 'Command unique code shared with users to enable search using this code.',
os ENUM('CiscoIOS', 'Linux', 'macOS', 'SQL', 'Unix', 'Windows') NOT NULL COMMENT 'Operating Systems this command works with',
title TEXT NOT NULL COMMENT 'command short description/title to be displayed in search result listing along with command code and os',
tag TEXT COMMENT 'any other meta data associated with command'
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='Keeps all cli commands with meta data & description';
CREATE TABLE commandExample
commandExampleId INT(11) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL COMMENT 'Autoincrement key for internal purposes' AUTO_INCREMENT,
`_cliCommandId` INT(11) REFERENCES cliCommand(cliCommandId) COMMENT 'FOREIGN KEY referencing to cliCommand record',
example TEXT COMMENT 'an example associated with this command, there could be multiple examples associated with a command, each as a new record in this table'
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='Keeps examples, if any, for a command to be displayed';