2017-08-29 16 views

でREAL PKとFKのリストを取得プライマリと外部キーを持つSybase ASEテーブルがいくつかあります。これらのテーブルのREAL PKとFKのリストを取得したいと思います。また、この情報はSELECTクエリを介してシステムテーブルに返されます。 syskeysにはsp_foreignkeyによって作成されたテーブルの論理参照のみが含まれているため、 'syskeys'へのクエリを使用するクエリはすべて正しくありません。 は、例えば、私はテーブルの下にありますSybase ASE:クエリ

create table tbl_pk1 
(col1 int primary key, 
col2 int); 

create table tbl_pk3 
(col1 int null, 
col2 int); 

sp_primarykey 'tbl_pk3', 'col1' 


select t.name from syskeys i INNER JOIN sysobjects t ON i.id = t.id where t.name in ('tbl_pk1', 'tbl_pk3') 

私は 'sp_helpconstraint'プロシージャが助けになるものは知っていますが、SELECTで呼び出すことはできません。 テーブルのプライマリキーと外部キーに関する実際の情報を得るために、システムテーブルへのクエリで私を助けてくれる人がいますか?


を行うことができますどのようにしているあなたは、あなたの質問にはいくつかの例で更新することもできます所望の出力(例えば、pk/fk内の列のfk?名のpk?テーブル名の制約名?テーブル名);また、sp_helpconstraint( 'exec sybsystemprocs..sp_helptext sp_helpconstraint null、null、showsql')のソースコードを見てみることをお勧めします。このコードを使用して、制約を表示する独自のSELECTを作成することができます。あなたが望む形式のデータ – markp




select user_name(o.uid) user_name, object_name(i.id) table_name, index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 1) column_name, 1 column_id, i.name as con_name 
    from sysindexes i, sysobjects o where object_name(i.id) = 'tbl_pk_mult' and user_name(o.uid) = 'dbo' and status & 2048 = 2048 and i.id = o.id and index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 1) is not null   union   
select user_name(o.uid) user_name, object_name(i.id) table_name, index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 2) column_name, 2 column_id, i.name as con_name 
    from sysindexes i, sysobjects o where object_name(i.id) = 'tbl_pk_mult' and user_name(o.uid) = 'dbo' and status & 2048 = 2048 and i.id = o.id and index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 2) is not null   union   
select user_name(o.uid) user_name, object_name(i.id) table_name, index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 3) column_name, 3 column_id, i.name as con_name 
    from sysindexes i, sysobjects o where object_name(i.id) = 'tbl_pk_mult' and user_name(o.uid) = 'dbo' and status & 2048 = 2048 and i.id = o.id and index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 3) is not null   union   
select user_name(o.uid) user_name, object_name(i.id) table_name, index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 4) column_name, 4 column_id, i.name as con_name 
    from sysindexes i, sysobjects o where object_name(i.id) = 'tbl_pk_mult' and user_name(o.uid) = 'dbo' and status & 2048 = 2048 and i.id = o.id and index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 4) is not null   union   
select user_name(o.uid) user_name, object_name(i.id) table_name, index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 5) column_name, 5 column_id, i.name as con_name 
    from sysindexes i, sysobjects o where object_name(i.id) = 'tbl_pk_mult' and user_name(o.uid) = 'dbo' and status & 2048 = 2048 and i.id = o.id and index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 5) is not null   union   
select user_name(o.uid) user_name, object_name(i.id) table_name, index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 6) column_name, 6 column_id, i.name as con_name 
    from sysindexes i, sysobjects o where object_name(i.id) = 'tbl_pk_mult' and user_name(o.uid) = 'dbo' and status & 2048 = 2048 and i.id = o.id and index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 6) is not null   union   
select user_name(o.uid) user_name, object_name(i.id) table_name, index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 7) column_name, 7 column_id, i.name as con_name 
    from sysindexes i, sysobjects o where object_name(i.id) = 'tbl_pk_mult' and user_name(o.uid) = 'dbo' and status & 2048 = 2048 and i.id = o.id and index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 7) is not null   union   
select user_name(o.uid) user_name, object_name(i.id) table_name, index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 8) column_name, 8 column_id, i.name as con_name 
    from sysindexes i, sysobjects o where object_name(i.id) = 'tbl_pk_mult' and user_name(o.uid) = 'dbo' and status & 2048 = 2048 and i.id = o.id and index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 8) is not null   union   
select user_name(o.uid) user_name, object_name(i.id) table_name, index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 9) column_name, 9 column_id, i.name as con_name 
    from sysindexes i, sysobjects o where object_name(i.id) = 'tbl_pk_mult' and user_name(o.uid) = 'dbo' and status & 2048 = 2048 and i.id = o.id and index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 9) is not null   union   
select user_name(o.uid) user_name, object_name(i.id) table_name, index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 10) column_name, 10 column_id, i.name as con_name 
    from sysindexes i, sysobjects o where object_name(i.id) = 'tbl_pk_mult' and user_name(o.uid) = 'dbo' and status & 2048 = 2048 and i.id = o.id and index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 10) is not null   union   
select user_name(o.uid) user_name, object_name(i.id) table_name, index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 11) column_name, 11 column_id, i.name as con_name 
    from sysindexes i, sysobjects o where object_name(i.id) = 'tbl_pk_mult' and user_name(o.uid) = 'dbo' and status & 2048 = 2048 and i.id = o.id and index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 11) is not null   union   
select user_name(o.uid) user_name, object_name(i.id) table_name, index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 12) column_name, 12 column_id, i.name as con_name 
    from sysindexes i, sysobjects o where object_name(i.id) = 'tbl_pk_mult' and user_name(o.uid) = 'dbo' and status & 2048 = 2048 and i.id = o.id and index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 12) is not null   union   
select user_name(o.uid) user_name, object_name(i.id) table_name, index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 13) column_name, 13 column_id, i.name as con_name 
    from sysindexes i, sysobjects o where object_name(i.id) = 'tbl_pk_mult' and user_name(o.uid) = 'dbo' and status & 2048 = 2048 and i.id = o.id and index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 13) is not null   union   
select user_name(o.uid) user_name, object_name(i.id) table_name, index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 14) column_name, 14 column_id, i.name as con_name 
    from sysindexes i, sysobjects o where object_name(i.id) = 'tbl_pk_mult' and user_name(o.uid) = 'dbo' and status & 2048 = 2048 and i.id = o.id and index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 14) is not null   union   
select user_name(o.uid) user_name, object_name(i.id) table_name, index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 15) column_name, 15 column_id, i.name as con_name 
    from sysindexes i, sysobjects o where object_name(i.id) = 'tbl_pk_mult' and user_name(o.uid) = 'dbo' and status & 2048 = 2048 and i.id = o.id and index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 15) is not null   union   
select user_name(o.uid) user_name, object_name(i.id) table_name, index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 16) column_name, 16 column_id, i.name as con_name 
    from sysindexes i, sysobjects o where object_name(i.id) = 'tbl_pk_mult' and user_name(o.uid) = 'dbo' and status & 2048 = 2048 and i.id = o.id and index_col(object_name(i.id), i.indid, 16) is not null   

Sybase ASA(ASEではなく)を使用していますが、このクエリを試すことができます(ASAで動作します)。主キーの

select f.* from sys.systable t 
join sys.SYSFOREIGNKEY f on t.table_id=f.primary_table_id 
where t.table_name='xxx' 



select c.* from sys.systable t 
join sys.SYSCONSTRAINT c on t.object_id=c.table_object_id 
where t.table_name='xxx' and c.constraint_type='P' 