//#include "stdafx.h" I made this a comment because I don't appear to have this file. It wasn't necessary for me. Don't know whether you need it or not.
// include statements must not end with semicolons.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib> // Has system() function
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
// Always declare variables inside the function.
string username;
string password;
string choice;
bool finished = false; // Declare this.
bool askingToTryAgain = false; // For when the user is asked whether they want to try again.
do {
std::cout << "Enter Username: ";
std::getline(std::cin, username);
std::cout << "Enter Password: ";
std::getline(std::cin, password);
// Validate username and password.
if (username != "Joven" && password != "Fabricante7188") {
// If both the username and password are invalid, report it.
std::cout << "Invalid Username and Password. Try again? (y/n): ";
} else if (username == "Joven" && password == "Fabricante7188") {
// If both fields are valid, login is successful.
std::cout << "Correct Username and Password - Log In Successful.\n";
finished = true; // Login is now complete, the loop will end.
} else {
// If just one of the fields is invalid, report which one it is.
if (username != "Joven") {
std::cout << "Invalid Username. Try again? (y/n): ";
if (password != "Fabricante7188") {
std::cout << "Invalid Password. Try again? (y/n): ";
if (finished == false) {
// If the login was unsuccessful, await user input for whether they wish to try again or not.
askingToTryAgain = true;
do {
// Fetch user input (y/n)
std::getline(std::cin, choice);
// Validate it.
if (choice != "y" && choice != "n") {
std::cout << "Enter 'y' or 'n'\n";
} else {
askingToTryAgain = false;
if (choice == "y") {
// Nothing to do here. The parent loop will continue after this one stops.
} else if (choice == "n") {
finished = true; // The user wishes to quit.
} while (askingToTryAgain);
} while (finished == false);
system("pause"); // During testing I used 'sleep 4' (sleep for 4 seconds) because I'm running Linux.
return 0;
プログラム実行の流れを制御する。ループや条件は、C++のような構造化されたプログラミング言語の 'goto'文よりはるかに良い解決策です。
関連のないメモでは、gotoをループとして使用することは、習慣として行うべきことではありません。 'goto'を一般的に使うのは、あなたが一切避けるべきものです。 –
別の無関係な注記では、 'goto choiceで行ったように、行に2つの' goto'文を書くべきではありません。 gotoユーザー名; '。この種のコードは風変わりなコードでのみ使用され、AppleのSSLコードを楽しませることができます。失敗する; '。 –