のようにインストールしました:pip install awsebcli
。AWS Elastic Beanstalkによってeb deleteが認識されない
私はeb init -p python3.4 django-tutorial
を実行し、それはApplication django-tutorial has been created.
と言いました。私は今このアプリケーションを削除したいと思います。私はeb delete
をやってみましたが、それは、私はその後、eb delete -a django-tutorial
usage: eb (sub-commands ...) [options ...] {arguments ...}
eb: error: unrecognized arguments: delete -a django-tutorial
usage: eb (sub-commands ...) [options ...] {arguments ...}
eb: error: unrecognized arguments: delete
abort Cancels an environment update or deployment.
appversion Listing and managing application versions
clone Clones an environment.
codesource Configures the code source for the EB CLI to use by default.
config Modify an environment's configuration. Use subcommands to manage saved configurations.
console Opens the environment in the AWS Elastic Beanstalk Management Console.
create Creates a new environment.
deploy Deploys your source code to the environment.
events Gets recent events.
health Shows detailed environment health.
init Initializes your directory with the EB CLI. Creates the application.
labs Extra experimental commands.
list Lists all environments.
local Runs commands on your local machine.
logs Gets recent logs.
open Opens the application URL in a browser.
platform Manages platforms.
printenv Shows the environment variables.
restore Restores a terminated environment.
scale Changes the number of running instances.
setenv Sets environment variables.
ssh Opens the SSH client to connect to an instance.
status Gets environment information and status.
swap Swaps two environment CNAMEs with each other.
terminate Terminates the environment.
upgrade Updates the environment to the most recent platform version.
use Sets default environment.
編集:ちょうどeb stop
が存在しないかに気づいたが、このリンクから: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/delete.html
eb stop
とeb delete
ああ、これは機能しました! 'eb delete'と' eb stop'はなぜ認識されないのですか? – user2719875
リンク先のドキュメントページは古く、古いバージョンのCLIを参照しています。 – Brian