internal static Func<string, string, bool> regKey = delegate (string KeyLocation, string Value)
// get registry key with Microsoft.Win32.Registrys
RegistryKey rk = (RegistryKey)Registry.GetValue(KeyLocation, Value, null); // KeyLocation and Value variables from method, null object because no default value is present. Must be casted to RegistryKey because method returns object.
if ((rk) == null) // if the RegistryKey is null which means it does not exist
// the key does not exist
return false; // return false because it does not exist
// the registry key does exist
return true; // return true because it does exist
// usage:
/* Create Key - while (loading)
RegistryKey k;
k = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("stuff");
k.SetValue("value", "value");
}; // no need to k.close because exiting control */
if (regKey(@"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\stuff ... ", "value"))
// key exists
// key does not exist
例、それは質問が求めているものであるから? – cja
私はこれが受け入れられた答えだとは信じられませんo.O – lewis4u