$profile_id = $userInfo['id'];
$picLocal = "https://xxxxxxxxxx/logo.jpg";
$attachment = array('access_token' => $decodedSignedRequest['oauth_token'],'message' => $userInfo['name'].' is in the draw to win a Free wine for a year',
'name' => "Oliver's taringa",
'link' => $fbconfig['appPageUrl'],
'description' => 'Oliver\'s Taranga in McLaren Vale is home to the ultra-premium HJ Reserve Shiraz and has supplied grapes for the illustrious Penfolds Grange, arguably the pinnacle of achievement for Shiraz growers in Australia. So join their community to go in the draw to win a years worth of amazing wine!',
'picture' => $picLocal
if(!($sendMessage = $facebook->api('/'.$profile_id.'/feed/','post',$attachment))){
$errors= error_get_last();
echo "Facebook publish error: ".$errors['type'];
echo "<br />\n".$errors['message'];
私は同じ問題を抱えています。誰かが解決策を投稿する場合に備えて、私はここに目を留めておきます... – FidoBoy