ランダムな母音をランダムに作成するかランダムな子音をランダムに作成するかを選択する15秒の制限時間を設定しています手紙のリスト。 (私は他の人の回答から得たGUIタイマーを含むToplevelを使用しています)。
# I tried to test if the the Toplevel timer had been destroyed (which happens as soon as the
# user has finished with the 9 letters). If so, I could then start the NEW 30-second timer.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
test = tk.Label()
# above: later, will test if a Label() widget counts as a 'child'. If it was the case
# that only Toplevels counted as 'children', then I could have used the 'root.winfo_children'
# command to test if the Toplevel() timer had been destroyed, in which case I can start a new
# 30-second timer on the original window.
extraWindow = tk.Toplevel(root)
extraWindow.destroy() # for below, to TRY and test whether the Toplevel object is destroyed
if not root.winfo_children():
print("N0") # doesn't happen, because test label is also a 'child'
# IMAGINE that this is where I set off the NEW 30-second timer
は残念ながら、私はそれが拳15秒で発症すると文字のリストを表示し、元のウィンドウ上のラベルを持っており、ユーザーはそれらの文字などの多くの実際の言葉を考え出すされている間新しい、30秒で可能です。 winfo_children