2017-08-29 17 views


私は新しいセクションを追加しました。結果を表示するには、jQuery Data Tableを使用する必要があります。


のDataTable警告:テーブルID = scansdetailsdata - Ajaxのエラー。私は、すべての最初の、だから、


:このエラーの詳細 については、http://datatables.net/tn/7





<script src="https://cdn.datatables.net/1.10.4/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js"></script> 
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.datatables.net/1.10.4/css/jquery.dataTables.min.css"> 
<script type="text/javascript" class="init" src="../../static/js/custom/scansdetailsdatatable.js"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript" class="init" src="../../static/js/custom/moment.js"></script> 

    <div class="container" align="center"> 
      <h1>Scans Details List</h1> 
       <table class = "table table-bordered" id="scansdetailsdata"> 
         <th>Scan Items ID</th> 
         <th>Closing Date</th> 
         <th>Plugin ID</th> 



    <div id="myModalForScansSearch" class="modal fade" role="dialog"> 
         <div class="modal-dialog"> 
         <div class="modal-content"> 
           <div class="modal-header"> 
           <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">&times;</button> 
           <h4 class="modal-title">Editing Menu</h4> 
           <div class="modal-body"> 
           <form id="updatescansearchform" class="form-horizontal"> 
           <div class="form-group"> 
           <label class="col-sm-2 control-label" 
           <div class="col-sm-10"> 
            <input type="text" class="form-control" 
            id="newscanitemsnote" name ="newscanitemsnote" placeholder="Put here the note"/> 
           <div class="form-group"> 
           <label for = "type" class = "col-sm-2 control-label">Status</label> 
          <div class = "col-sm-10"> 
          <select class = "form-control" id = "newscanitemsstatus" name="newscanitemsstatus"> 
          <option value="open">open</option> 
           <option value="closed">closed</option> 
           <div class="modal-footer"> 
           <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button> 
           <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success" data-dismiss="modal">Save</button> 


* This script define the use of jquery DataTable for scans response, 
* used to format faster and simpler the table showed in table. 
* @author cte0324 
var DTscans = false; 
var id_scan_items = 0; //this variable is used to check the data column id and pass it to controller via ajax 
var closing_date; //this variable is used to set up the closing date of events after System Administrator action. 

$(document).ready(function() { 

    DTscans = $('#scansdetailsdata').DataTable( 
       "serverSide": true, 
          url: "../getscans.json", 
          type: "post", 
          "data": function (d) 

           var param = {tag : $('#tag').val(), scanstatus : $('#scanstatus').val(), scanseverity : $('#scanseverity').val(), scanhost: $('#scanhost').val(), 
               scanport: $('#scanport').val(), pluginid: $('#pluginid').val(), scaninfo : $('#scaninfo').val()}; 

           return $.extend(d, param); 


         "columnDefs": [ 
          "targets": [ 0 ], 
          "visible": false 

       "columns": [ 
        { "data": "id" }, 
        { "data": null, 
         "render": function (data, type, full, meta) { 

          return "<button type='button' class='btn btn-info btn-md' data-toggle='modal' data-target='#myModalForScansSearch' onclick=\'id_scan_items="+data.id+"\'> Edit </button>"; 

        { "data": "scans_name" }, 
        { "data": "scans_date", 
         "render": function(data){ 
          return (moment(data).isValid()) ? moment(data).format("DD MMM YY") : "-";} 
        { "data": "status" }, 
        { "data": "closing_date", 
         "render": function(data){ 
          return (moment(data).isValid()) ? moment(data).format("DD MMM YY") : "-";} 
        { "data": "name" }, 
        { "data": "port" }, 
        { "data": "severity" }, 
        { "data": "pluginID" }, 
        { "data": "info" }, 
        { "data": "note" } 

    //This function is used to send the form data to Spring controller; cause we use a modal, with code that must be put in the file with html table head, 
    //we must replace the use of view made by jsp using an ajax function 
    $('#myModalForScansSearch').on('click', '.btn.btn-success', function(event) { 
     var form = $('#updatescansearchform'); //recover the form inside modal by using id 
     var formdata = form.serializeObject(); //use the serializeObject function to prepare data for Json format 
     closing_date = new Date().getTime(); //set up the closing date with the current date 
     formdata.idscanitems = id_scan_items; //add the event id to form data, after setting it with the IDnumber variabile 
     formdata.new_closing_date = closing_date; //add the closing date to form data 
     console.log(formdata, this); 

     //here starts the code to sending data to Spring controller 
       url: "../updatescannoteandstatus.json", 
       type: "post", 
       data: formdata, 
       success : function() { 

        console.log("Invio riuscito."); 
        DTscans.ajax.reload(null, false); //we reload the table, showing immediately the data updated. 





    * Return the details of scans, based on joining scans with 
    * scan_items and hosts. 
    * @param model 
    * @param request 
    * @param name 
    * @param type 
    * @param date 
    * @return 
    * @throws IOException 
    public ModelAndView getScansDetails(ModelAndView model, HttpServletRequest request, 
      @RequestParam(name="tag") String tag, 
      @RequestParam(name="scanstatus") String scanstatus, 
      @RequestParam(name="scanseverity") String scanseverity, 
      @RequestParam(name="scanhost") String scanhost, 
      @RequestParam(name="scanport") String scanport, 
      @RequestParam(name="pluginid") String pluginid, 
      @RequestParam(name="scaninfo") String scaninfo) throws IOException 

     //First, we pass the data to DAO method 
     List<ScanItems> listScanItems = networks.joinScanItemsAndScansAndHosts(tag, scanhost, scanport, scanstatus, scanseverity, pluginid, scaninfo); 

     //Second, we put results in the model, with a map, and set properties for jquery datatables 
     model.addObject("recordsTotal", listScanItems.size()); 
     model.addObject("recordsFiltered", listScanItems.size()); 
     model.addObject("data", listScanItems); 

     //Finally, we return the model 
     return model; 




