私はC#、MVC、LINQ、Entity Framework、およびその他すべてのことを始めています。私はこの問題に関するstackoverflowの脳の信頼と他のサイトを選び、それを解決する方法は見当たりません。LINQリポジトリとメソッドreturn
@using RAM.DAL.Models
@model RequestViewModel
ViewBag.Title = "Dashboard";
<div class="col-md-4">
<h2>Resource Requests</h2>
<div class="panel">
<table class="table table-hover">
<tr class="bg-primary">
<th>Mission Title</th>
<th>Resource Requested</th>
@if (Model.isEmpty)
<td colspan="4">No requests pending</td>
<tr onclick="location.href= '@Url.Action("Assignment", "Mission", new { id = Model.ID })'">
<!--<p><a class="btn btn-default" href="#">Content 1 Btn »</a></p>-->
using System;
namespace RAM.DAL.Models
public class RequestViewModel
public int? ID { get; set; }
public string title { get; set; }
public string requestText { get; set; }
public string user_ID { get; set; } //The userID of the user being requested.
public string userName { get; set; } //Full name of the user being requested
public int? fromResourceID { get; set; } //The resource where the request was generated from
public int? toResourceID { get; set; } //The resource where the reassigned worker is requested to go to
public string resourceTitle { get; set; } //Title of the resource where the reassigned worker is requested to go to
public DateTime? requestDate { get; set; }//The date the request was made
public bool? isEmpty { get; set; }
using RAM.DAL.Models;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Data;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace RAM.DAL
public class RequestRepository : IRequestRepository<RequestViewModel>
private RAMcontext context;
public RequestRepository(RAMcontext context)
this.context = context;
public IEnumerable<RequestViewModel> GetRequests()
var requests = from r in context.RAM_Requests
join u in context.Users on r.user_ID equals u.User_ID
join res in context.RAM_Resources on r.toResourceID equals res.ID
where r.resolved == false
select new RequestViewModel()
title = r.title,
ID = r.ID,
fromResourceID = r.fromResourceID,
toResourceID = r.toResourceID,
user_ID = r.user_ID,
userName = u.First_Name + " " + u.Last_Name,
resourceTitle = res.title,
requestText = r.requestText,
requestDate = r.requestDate
/* }
RequestViewModel empty = new RequestViewModel
isEmpty = true
return empty;
return requests.ToList().AsEnumerable();
辞書に渡さモデルアイテムタイプ である「System.Collections.Generic.List`1 [RAM.DAL.Models.RequestViewModel]」、 この辞書には「RAMをタイプ のモデル項目が必要.DAL.Models.RequestViewModel '。
実際、ifは@if(!(Model.Any()))である必要があります。そして、明確な答えに感謝します。 – WClark