私は与えられた入力が1つの葉にしか現れないと仮定しています(そうでなければ、問題は再び木構造と制限された演算子にもかかわらずboolean satisfiabilityになります)。
(int ways, int leaves) = recurse(Node n, bool target) {
//Base case of recursion:
if(n.type == LEAF) {
return (1, 1);
else if(n.type == NOT) {
//for a NOT, we just invert the target.
return recurse(n.child[0], !target)
else if (n.type == AND) {
//AND is more complicated. First, count the ways that we can make each
//sub-expression evaluate to true, and the total number of leaves under
//both the left and right child:
(int left_true, int left_leaves) = recurse(n.child[0], true);
(int right_true, int right_leaves) = recurse(n.child[1], true);
//the total number of ways to make a true AND result is the product of
//the number of ways to make the left true, and the number of ways to
//make the right true.
int total_true_ways = left_true * right_true;
//the total number of leaves under this node is the sum of leaves under
//the left and right subtrees.
int total_leaves = left_leaves + right_leaves;
if(target == true) {
//if this node's target is 'true' we've already computed the number of
//ways to satisfy that.
return (total_true_ways, total_leaves);
else {
//The number of ways to make a 'false' is the total number of possible
//input combinations, less the number of input combinations that make
//a 'true'.
//The total number of possible input combinations is given by 2 to the
//power of the number of boolean inputs, which is given by the
//number of leaves below the node:
int num_possible_inputs = pow(2, total_leaves);
return (num_possible_inputs - total_true_ways, total_leaves);
else {
throw internal error
層とし、2n + 2(n-1)
総ノードと木につながる、NOTとの交互の層とすることにより達成されます。 (n
問題設定では、1つのリーフノードでのみ使用できる「入力」はありますか?つまり、指定された入力をブール式で複数回使用することはできませんか? – lockcmpxchg8b