私は入力を変数に保存し、その下の関数で変数を呼び出すことができました。誰かが "C"、 "c"、 "Circle"、または "circle"を入力した場合など、.upper()と.lower()の選択を考慮したいと思っていました。行う方法がわからない...しかしそのユーザーの入力パラメータを設定し、さまざまな回答を扱う
a calculator that can compute the area of a chosen shape, as selected by the user. The calculator will be able to determine the area of a circle or a triangle
from math import pi
from time import sleep
from datetime import datetime
#opening comments and thinking computer thinks for 1 second
now = datetime.now()
print("Calculator is booting up! Beep Boop...")
print(("%s/%s/%s " + "%s:%s \n") % (now.month, now.day, now.year, now.hour, now.minute))
#nagging teacher comment if needed
hint = str("Don\'t forget to include the correct units! \nExiting...")
#user input choose Circle or Triangle
option = input("Enter C for Circle or T for Triangle: ")
#Circle computing
if (option.upper() == input(str(C))) or (option.lower() == input(str(c))):
radius = input(float("What is the radius?: "))
area = (pi * radius ** 2)
print("The pie is baking...")
print(str(area + hint))