import time
def Scenario2():
film_comedy = ['Anchorman','The Hangover','Ted']
film_horror = ['The Exorcist','The Shining','Scream']
film_action = ['Die Hard','The Matrix','Batman']
film_animation = ['Toy Story','The Incredibles','The Lion King']
print("Hello, welcome to the online streaming service")
username = len(input("Please Enter a username between 4 and 12 characters: "))
while username < 4 or username > 12:
print("That username is not within the boundaries")
username = len(input("Please Enter a username between 4 and 12 characters: "))
password = input("Now enter a password: ")
password1 = input("Please re-enter the password: ")
if password1 == password:
print("Congratualtions on your new account")
while password1 != password:
print("They don't match")
password = input("Now enter a password: ")
password1 = input("Please re-enter the password: ")
if password1 == password:
print("Congratualations on your new account")
usernameinput = input("Please Enter your username: ")
if usernameinput == username:
print("Great job")
while usernameinput != username:
print("That is the incorrect Username")
usernameinput = input("Please Enter your username: ")
if usernameinput == username:
print("Great job")
これを[mcve]に減らすことはできますか?投稿されたコードの99%は無関係です。 – Carcigenicate
これはどのように機能しますか?あるインスタンスでは、入力時に 'len()'を呼び出します( 'username'はint)ので、' usernameinput'の文字列を取得します。 – roganjosh
ユーザ名はlenの数字で、usernameinputは文字列なので等しいものではないので、「良い仕事」は得られません –