2017-11-12 11 views

、ソート結果が間違っている:ここでは私はJTableのをソートすることはできません - 私は列をクリックするとJave

The sorted results


DefaultTableModel tableModel = new DefaultTableModel(data, columns) { 

     public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) { 
      //all cells false 
      return false; 
    JTable table = new JTable(); 

    //Sort table 


 // Columns of table 
    String[] columns = {"Name of Coupon Provider", "Name of product", "Price of product", 
      "Discount rate of the coupon (%)", "Final price", "Expiration Period", "Status of a coupon"}; 

    //Data of table 
    int lengthArray = couponArray.size(); 
    String data[][] = new String [lengthArray][7]; 
    for (int i = 0; i < lengthArray; i++){ 
     Coupon sTmp = (Coupon)couponArray.get(i); 
     data[i][0] = sTmp.getNameOfCouponProvider(); 
     data[i][1] = sTmp.getNameOfProduct(); 
     data[i][2] = Double.toString(sTmp.getPriceOfProduct()); 
     data[i][3] = Integer.toString(sTmp.getDiscountRateOfCoupon()); 

     //Get final price 
     double finalPrice = sTmp.getPriceOfProduct() - 
     data[i][4] = new Formatter().format("%.2f", finalPrice).toString(); 
     data[i][5] = Integer.toString(sTmp.getExpirationPeriod()); 
     data[i][6] = sTmp.getStatusOfCoupon(); 

列に文字列型の値が含まれている場合は、アルファベット順に並べ替えられます。 – Ansharja


型は文字列です。 – Junrui


1)すぐに役立つようにするには、[MCVE]または[短く、自己完結型の正しい例](http://www.sscce.org/)を投稿してください。 2)一般的なアドバイスとして、実際の質問をすることを忘れないでください。 –




また、データ配列の型をObject [] []に変更しました。 Stringに変換することなくdouble値をdata [i] [2]に設定します。

import javax.swing.JFrame; 
import javax.swing.JScrollPane; 
import javax.swing.JTable; 
import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; 
import java.awt.BorderLayout; 
import java.util.Arrays; 
import java.util.Formatter; 
import java.util.List; 

public class TableSorting 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
    // Columns of table 
    String[] columns = {"Name of Coupon Provider", "Name of product", "Price of product", 
     "Discount rate of the coupon (%)", "Final price", "Expiration Period", "Status of a coupon"}; 

    //Data of table 
    List<Coupon> couponArray = Arrays.asList(
     new Coupon("aaa", "bbb", 100.2, 1, 1, "a"), 
     new Coupon("aaa", "bbb", 60.2, 1, 1, "a"), 
     new Coupon("aaa", "bbb", 160.4, 1, 1, "a"), 
     new Coupon("aaa", "bbb", 220.2, 1, 1, "a"), 
     new Coupon("aaa", "bbb", 70.2, 1, 1, "a"), 
     new Coupon("aaa", "bbb", 150.2, 1, 1, "a"), 
     new Coupon("aaa", "bbb", 160.3, 1, 1, "a"), 
     new Coupon("aaa", "bbb", 210.3, 1, 1, "a")); 

    int lengthArray = couponArray.size(); 
    Object data[][] = new Object[lengthArray][7]; 
    for (int i = 0; i < lengthArray; i++){ 
     Coupon sTmp = couponArray.get(i); 
     data[i][0] = sTmp.getNameOfCouponProvider(); 
     data[i][1] = sTmp.getNameOfProduct(); 
     data[i][2] = sTmp.getPriceOfProduct();//Double.toString(sTmp.getPriceOfProduct()); 
     data[i][3] = Integer.toString(sTmp.getDiscountRateOfCoupon()); 

     //Get final price 
     double finalPrice = sTmp.getPriceOfProduct() - 
     data[i][4] = new Formatter().format("%.2f", finalPrice).toString(); 
     data[i][5] = Integer.toString(sTmp.getExpirationPeriod()); 
     data[i][6] = sTmp.getStatusOfCoupon(); 

    DefaultTableModel tableModel = new DefaultTableModel(data, columns) { 

     public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) { 
     //all cells false 
     return false; 

     //This makes values in "Price" column treated as numerical values 
     // instead of String values. 
     public Class<?> getColumnClass(int columnIndex) 
     if (columnIndex == 2) 
      return Double.class; 
     return super.getColumnClass(columnIndex); 
    JTable table = new JTable(); 

    //Sort table 

    JFrame frame = new JFrame(); 
    frame.getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(table), BorderLayout.CENTER); 

class Coupon 
    private String nameOfCouponProvider; 
    private String nameOfProduct; 
    private double priceOfProduct; 
    private int discountRateOfCoupon; 
    private int expirationPeriod; 
    private String statusOfCoupon; 

    Coupon(String nameOfCouponProvider, String nameOfProduct, 
     double priceOfProduct, int discountRateOfCoupon, 
     int expirationPeriod, String statusOfCoupon) 
    this.nameOfCouponProvider = nameOfCouponProvider; 
    this.nameOfProduct = nameOfProduct; 
    this.priceOfProduct = priceOfProduct; 
    this.discountRateOfCoupon = discountRateOfCoupon; 
    this.expirationPeriod = expirationPeriod; 
    this.statusOfCoupon = statusOfCoupon; 

    String getNameOfCouponProvider() { return nameOfCouponProvider; } 
    String getNameOfProduct() { return nameOfProduct; } 
    double getPriceOfProduct() { return priceOfProduct; } 
    int getDiscountRateOfCoupon() { return discountRateOfCoupon; } 
    int getExpirationPeriod() { return expirationPeriod; } 
    String getStatusOfCoupon() { return statusOfCoupon; } 