2017-10-26 18 views


# 2dMatrix: Your matrix 
# x: x-coordinate of the element for which you're searching for neighbors 
# y: y-coordinate of the element for which you're searching for neighbors 
def nearest_elements_2dMatrix(2dMatrix, x,y): 
    upleft = 2dMatrix[x-1][y-1] if (x-1 >= 0 and y-1>=0) else None 
    downleft = 2dMatrix[x-1][y+1] if (x-1 >= 0 and y+1 < len(2dMatrix)) else None 
    left = 2dMatrix[x-1][y] if x-1 >= 0 else None 
    upright = 2dMatrix[x+1][y-1] if (x+1 < len(2dMatrix[0]) and y-1>=0) else None 
    right= 2dMatrix[x+1][y] if x+1 < len(2dMatrix[0]) else None 
    downright = 2dMatrix[x+1][y+1] if (x+1 < len(2dMatrix[0]) and y+1 < len(2dMatrix)) else None 
    above= 2dMatrix[x][y-1] if if y-1 >= 0 else None 
    below= 2dMatrix[x][y+1] if if y+1 < len(2dMatrix) else None 
    return [upleft, downleft, left, upright, right, downright, above, below] 

あなたは対角線を忘れてしまい、入力が座標ではなく値であるという事実を忘れてしまいました。 –


対角線を反映するように編集しましたが、入力が座標でない場合、一意でない値が含まれています – knowa42