私はGithubコードに従ってACFリピータフィールドにもっと負荷を追加しています。私は101のフィールドを持っていますが、動作しないとロードが増えます。私はあまりにもbebugしようとしました。 Ajaxレスポンスは0です。ajax経由では動作しないかもしれません。 functions.phpファイルに何かを追加する必要がありますか? Ajaxレスポンスは0です。ACFリピータフィールド|もっとロードする
The code in this file is an example off the code that you would use in your template to
show the first X number of rows of a repeater
I'm sure there are more elegant ways to do the JavaScript, but what's here will work
if (have_rows('gallery_work', 'option')) {
// set the id of the element to something unique
// this id will be needed by JS to append more content
$total = count(get_field('gallery_work', 'option'));
<ul id="my-repeater-list-id">
$number = 2; // the number of rows to show
$count = 0; // a counter
while(have_rows('gallery_work', 'option')):the_row();
$image_se_work = get_sub_field('image_se_work', 'option');
<li><img src="<?php echo $image_se_work;?>" alt=""></li>
if ($count == $number) {
// we've shown the number, break out of loop
endwhile; // end while have rows
add a link to call the JS function to show more
you will need to format this link using
CSS if you want it to look like a button
this button needs to be outside the container holding the
items in the repeater field
<a id="my-repeater-show-more-link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="my_repeater_show_more();"<?php
if ($total < $count) {
?> style="display: none;"<?php
?>>Show More</a>
The JS that will do the AJAX request
<script type="text/javascript">
var my_repeater_field_post_id = <?php echo $post->ID; ?>;
var my_repeater_field_offset = <?php echo $number; ?>;
var my_repeater_field_nonce = '<?php echo wp_create_nonce('my_repeater_field_nonce'); ?>';
var my_repeater_ajax_url = '<?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?>';
var my_repeater_more = true;
function my_repeater_show_more() {
// make ajax request
my_repeater_ajax_url, {
// this is the AJAX action we set up in PHP
'action': 'my_repeater_show_more',
'post_id': my_repeater_field_post_id,
'offset': my_repeater_field_offset,
'nonce': my_repeater_field_nonce
function (json) {
// add content to container
// this ID must match the containter
// you want to append content to
// update offset
my_repeater_field_offset = json['offset'];
// see if there is more, if not then hide the more link
if (!json['more']) {
// this ID must match the id of the show more link
$('#my-repeater-show-more-link').css('display', 'none');
console.log(<?php echo $total;?>);
} // end if have_rows