2017-11-30 25 views


ranked_id | id | amount | date | customer_id 
     1 | 1 | 0.00 | 11/12/17 | 1 
     2 | 2 | 54.00 | 11/12/17 | 1    
     3 | 3 | 60.00 | 02/12/18 | 1 
     4 | 3 | 60.00 | 02/12/18 | 1 
     5 | 3 | 60.00 | 02/12/18 | 1 
     6 | 3 | 60.00 | 02/12/18 | 1 
     7 | 3 | 60.00 | 02/12/18 | 1 
     8 | 4 | 0.00 | 01/18/17 | 2 
     9 | 5 | 14.00 | 03/12/17 | 2 
     10 | 6 | 24.00 | 02/22/18 | 2 
     11 | 6 | 24.00 | 02/22/18 | 2 
     12 | 6 | 24.00 | 02/22/18 | 2 
     13 | 6 | 24.00 | 02/22/18 | 2 
     14 | 6 | 24.00 | 02/22/18 | 2 
     15 | 7 | 0.00 | 09/12/16 | 3 
     16 | 8 | 74.00 | 10/01/17 | 3 
     17 | 8 | 74.00 | 10/01/17 | 3 
     18 | 8 | 74.00 | 10/01/17 | 3 
     19 | 8 | 74.00 | 10/01/17 | 3 
     20 | 8 | 74.00 | 10/01/17 | 3 
     21 | 8 | 74.00 | 10/01/17 | 3 

id | amount | date | customer_id 
1 | 0.00 | 11/12/17 | 1 
2 | 54.00 | 11/12/17 | 1 
3 | 60.00 | 02/12/18 | 1 
4 | 0.00 | 01/18/17 | 2 
5 | 14.00 | 03/12/17 | 2 
6 | 24.00 | 02/22/18 | 2 
7 | 0.00 | 09/12/16 | 3 
8 | 74.00 | 10/01/17 | 3 



結果の背後にある論理を説明できますか? – Mureinik


私はそれは私がそれをやって考えることができる唯一の方法だ をamount_7&date_7し、これらの結果を取り、アップ amount_1 DATE_1 amount_2 日付2 ... すべての道にそれらを配置する必要があります。 –





with t1 as (
select distinct 
     dense_rank() over (order by customer_id, generate_series) ranked_id 
    , customer_id 
    , generate_series 
    from table1 
    cross join generate_series(1,7) 
), t2 as (
    select row_number() over (partition by customer_id order by id) rn 
     , table1.* 
    from table1 
select t1.ranked_id 
    , case when t2.customer_id is not null 
      then t2.id 
      else first_value(t2.id) 
       over (partition by t1.customer_id 
         order by id desc nulls last) 
     end id 
    , case when t2.customer_id is not null 
      then t2.amount 
      else first_value(t2.amount) 
       over (partition by t1.customer_id 
         order by id desc nulls last) 
     end amount 
    , case when t2.customer_id is not null 
      then t2.date 
      else first_value(t2.date) 
       over (partition by t1.customer_id 
         order by id desc nulls last) 
     end date 
    , t1.customer_id 
    from t1 
    left join t2 
    on t2.customer_id = t1.customer_id 
    and t2.id = t1.generate_series 
order by ranked_id; 

ここにコードを示すSQL Fiddleがあります。


ええ、この事は獣ですが、それは私が持っている問題を解決します。私は「ORDER BY ranked_id」を「ORDER BY id、ranked_id」に変更して、必要な順番でそれを取得しなければなりませんでした。 センティネルとゴードン・リノフの両方に感謝します。 –


Postgresでは、generate_series()とクロスジョインを使用してすべての行を生成できます。 @Gordon Linoffはあなたが以下のT1のように必要なすべての行を生成する()関数は、明確なcustomer_idsと交配generate_seriesを使用することができます示唆したように

select row_number() over (order by customer_id, id) as ranking_id, 
     coalesce(t.id, cid) as id, coalesce(t.amount, c.amount) as amount 
     coalesce(t.date, c.date) as date, t.customer_id 
from (select distinct on (customer_id) t.* 
     from t 
     order by customer_id, date desc 
    ) c cross join 
    generate_series(1, 7) g(i) left join 
    (select t.*, row_number() over (partition by customer_id order by date) as i 
     from t 
    ) t 
    on t.customer_id = c.customer_id and t.i = g.i; 