Filebeatをlogstashと連携させようとしています。現在、私はこのエラーを取得しています:Filebeat> Logstash> ElasticSearch - Lumberjackエラー
2016/11/14 04:54:27.721478 output.go:109: DBG output worker: publish 2047 events
2016/11/14 04:54:27.756650 sync.go:85: ERR Failed to publish events caused by: lumberjack protocol error
2016/11/14 04:54:27.756676 single.go:91: INFO Error publishing events (retrying): lumberjack protocol error
2016/11/14 04:54:28.782729 sync.go:85: ERR Failed to publish events caused by: lumberjack protocol error
2016/11/14 04:54:28.782756 single.go:91: INFO Error publishing events (retrying): lumberjack protocol error
2016/11/14 04:54:30.786983 sync.go:85: ERR Failed to publish events caused by: lumberjack protocol error
2016/11/14 04:54:30.787017 single.go:91: INFO Error publishing events (retrying): lumberjack protocol error
2016/11/14 04:54:34.808528 sync.go:85: ERR Failed to publish events caused by: lumberjack protocol error
2016/11/14 04:54:34.808578 single.go:91: INFO Error publishing events (retrying): lumberjack protocol error
Filebeat v5およびlogstash v5。
filebeatとlogstashの設定を投稿できますか?この2つの間に何らかの認証が設定されていますか? – Val