を使用してそのパスに続くドットもあります。問題は、ドットが予想どおりに円内を移動するにもかかわらず、レンダリングされたパスが(0,0)にジャンプする不思議な不連続性を示すことです。Qml Canvas Pathエラー
Screenshot of the path glitch, and the most relevant code snippets
*私は(PyQt5経由)のQt 5.5.1を使用してい
import QtQuick 2.3
Rectangle {
id: base
property real radiusMax : 200
property real padding : 50
property int duration: 15000
property int numPoints : 12
//property list<point> points
width: (radiusMax + padding) * 2
height: (radiusMax + padding) * 2
color: "white"
/* The path that everything follows */
Path {
id: myPath
// To be dynamically generated...
//PathCurve { x: base.radiusMax; y: base.radiusMax }
Instantiator {
id: pathPoints
model: base.numPoints
property real angle : (Math.PI/180) * (360/base.numPoints)
//property real angle : 0.5235987755982988
property real radius : base.radiusMax
property point midpoint : Qt.point(base.radiusMax, base.radiusMax)
onAngleChanged: console.log("angle = %1".arg(angle))
delegate : PathCurve {
x: pathPoints.midpoint.x + pathPoints.radius * Math.cos(pathPoints.angle * index)
y: pathPoints.midpoint.y + pathPoints.radius * Math.sin(pathPoints.angle * index)
onObjectAdded: {
console.log("Point %1 = (%3, %4) <-- (%2)".arg(index).arg(index * pathPoints.angle).arg(object.x).arg(object.y))
/* Update the list */
if (index == base.numPoints - 1) {
var items = []
for (var i = 0; i < base.numPoints; i++) {
var obj = pathPoints.objectAt(i)
console.log("=> adding %1 = (%2, %3)".arg(i).arg(obj.x).arg(obj.y))
//if ((obj != null) || !(obj.x == 0 && obj.y == 0))
myPath.pathElements = items
/* Canvas: Used to render the path */
Canvas {
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: base.radiusMax * 2
height: base.radiusMax * 2
contextType: "2d"
onPaint: {
context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height)
context.strokeStyle = Qt.rgba(.4,.6,.8);
context.path = myPath;
/* Dot that the participant is supposed to follow */
Rectangle {
id: targetDot
// Start position - top-left of the canvas
x: base.radiusMax
y: base.radiusMax
width: 20
height: 20
radius: 10
color: "lightblue"
PathAnimation {
id: pathAnim
running: true
loops: Animation.Infinite
duration: base.duration
target: targetDot
orientation: PathAnimation.RightFirst
anchorPoint: Qt.point(targetDot.width/2, targetDot.height/2)
path: myPath