2016-12-10 11 views


displayFib proc 
MOV DX, 30h   ; move value 30 hexadecimal to DX, which represents 0 
call display 
MOV AX, input 
CMP AX, 0  ;if the input is 0 in hexadecimal ASCII value then jump to finish 
JE finish_it 

mov ah,9    ; formating - coma 
mov dx,offset msg3 
int 21h  

;display the 1st term 
MOV DX, 31h   ; move value 31 hexadecimal to DX, which represents 1 
call display 
CMP input, 1  ;if the input is 1 in hexadecimal ASCII value then jump to finish 
JE finish_it 

MOV CX, input  ;intializing counter, knowing that first 2 terms were displayed already 
SUB CX, 2 

    mov ah,9    ; formating - coma 
    mov dx,offset msg3 
    int 21h  

    MOV AX, fibn_2  ; calculating the n'th term of a sequence n = (n-1) + (n-2) 
    ADD AX, fibn_1 
    MOV fib, AX 
    MOV DX, fib 
    MOV saveCount, CX  ;saving the state of the counter as it will be modified in the displayNum 
    call displayNum 
    ;display the n'th term (current term) 
    MOV CX, saveCount  ;restoring state of the counter 
    MOV AX, fibn_1  ; n-1 in the next round of a loop will be n-2 
    MOV fibn_2, AX 
    MOV AX, fib   ;n'th term in the next round will be n-1 
    MOV fibn_1, AX 
    DEC CX    ;decrementing counter 
    JNZ repeat   ; loop until counter = 0 


displayFib endp 
  • 私はemu8086
  • hereを使用しています



コードをステップ実行するためにエミュレータを使用していませんか? – Jester


はい私は持っているが、私はエラーがまだ初心者で、それはほとんど私の最初のコードですどこに見つけることができません.. –


MOV CX, input  ;intializing counter, knowing that first 2 terms were displayed already 
SUB CX, 2 




call keyin  ;gets user input 
SUB AL, 48  ;changes ASCII value into numeric value for further processing 

mov ah, 0  <<<<<<< ADD THIS 

mov num1 , AX ;saves user input to variable num1 


MOV saveCount, CX  ;saving the state of the counter as it will be modified in the displayNum 
call displayNum   ;display the n'th term (current term) 
MOV CX, saveCount  ;restoring state of the counter 

PUSH CX    ;saving the state of the counter as it will be modified in the displayNum 
call displayNum  ;display the n'th term (current term) 
POP CX    ;restoring state of the counter 

あなたの詳細なソリューションのために多くのありがとう:) ..残念ながら私はまだ同じ問題が.. –


ありがとうございます..それは今:) :))) –