// load your data
var sample_data = [
{"date": "05 Aug", "name":"events", "value": 141751760},
{"date": "06 Aug", "name":"events", "value": 137933833},
{"date": "07 Aug", "name":"events", "value": 132537452},
{"date": "08 Aug", "name":"events", "value": 120686130},
{"date": "09 Aug", "name":"events", "value": 228518696},
{"date": "10 Aug", "name":"events", "value": 133506681},
{"date": "11 Aug", "name":"events", "value": 132956555},
{"date": "12 Aug", "name":"events", "value": 129211690},
{"date": "13 Aug", "name":"events", "value": 134858225},
{"date": "14 Aug", "name":"events", "value": 116100660}
var attributes = [
{"name": "events", "hex": "#178acc"}
// instantiate d3plus
var visualization = d3plus.viz()
.container("#viz") // container DIV to hold the visualization
.data(sample_data) // data to use with the visualization
.type("bar") // visualization type
.id("name") // key for which our data is unique on
.y("value") // key to use for y-axis
.x("date") // key to use for x-axis
.tooltip(["date", "value"])
.draw() // finally, draw the visualization!
から私はあなたが伝統的なカンマ区切りの数ではなく、「142M」形式のフォーマット方法で私を助けることができる、オリジナルquestion-にコードを追加しましたか? –
あなたの努力を感謝します。あなたへの誇り。 –