回転させたくないView Controllerクラスには、これが必要です。
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotate
return NO;
The containing navigation controller class should have this.
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotate
return [self.topViewController shouldAutoRotate];
@implementation UINavigationController (Orientation)
return [self.topViewController supportedInterfaceOrientations];
return YES;
#pragma mark Orientation
[super shouldAutorotate];
return NO;
-(NSUInteger) supportedInterfaceOrientations {
[super supportedInterfaceOrientations];
// Return a bitmask of supported orientations. If you need more,
// use bitwise or (see the commented return).
return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait;
// return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait | UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortraitUpsideDown;
- (UIInterfaceOrientation) preferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation {
[super preferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation];
// Return the orientation you'd prefer - this is what it launches to. The
// user can still rotate. You don't have to implement this method, in which
// case it launches in the current orientation
return UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait;
- (NSUInteger)supportedInterfaceOrientations
return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait;
iPad版のiOSバージョン – Chetan
カテゴリを使用してメソッドをオーバーライドしようとしないでください。これは未定義の動作です。 – rmaddy
@Chetan iOS 9.1 –