2017-07-29 34 views


<div class="quizsection"> 
    <button onclick="startQuiz()" id="startQuiz">Start Quiz</button> 
    <div id="questions"></div> 

    //Create Array with questions and solutions 
    var allQuestions = [{ 
     question: "Before Mt. Everest was discovered, whaich mountain was considered to be the highest mountain in the world?", 
     choices: ["Mt. Kilimanjaro", "Kanchenjunga", "Mount Everest"], 
     correctAnswer: 1 

     question: "Does England have a 4th of July?", 
     choices: ["Yes", "No", "I don't know"], 
     correctAnswer: 0 

     question: "What is Rupert the bear's middle name?", 
     choices: ["Bear", "He doesn't have one!", "The", "Rupert"], 
     correctAnswer: 2 

     question: " What can you never eat for breakfast? ", 
     choices: ["Dinner", "Something sugary", "Lunch", "Supper"], 
     correctAnswer: 0 

     question: "If there are three apples and you took two away, how many do you have?", 
     choices: ["One", "Two", "None"], 
     correctAnswer: 1 

     question: "Spell 'Silk' out loud, 3 times in a row. What do cows drink?", 
     choices: ["Milk", "Water", "Juice", "Cows can't drink"], 
     correctAnswer: 1 

     question: "Which is heavier, 100 pounds of rocks or 100 pounds of gold? ", 
     choices: ["100 pounds of rocks", "100 pounds of rocks", "They weigh the same"], 
     correctAnswer: 2 

     question: "Can you spell 80 in two letters?", 
     choices: ["AI-TY", "It's not possible", "EIGH-TY", "A-T"], 
     correctAnswer: 3 

     question: "What question must always be answered ''Yes''?", 
     choices: ["What does Y-E-S spell?", "Will everyone die someday?", "Does everyone have a biological mother?", "Are you a human?"], 
     correctAnswer: 0 

     question: "How many sides does a circle have?", 
     choices: ["The back", "None. It's a circle", "Two", "Four"], 
     correctAnswer: 2 

     question: "What has a tail but no body?", 
     choices: ["A human", "A coin", "A cloud"], 
     correctAnswer: 1 

     question: "What word in the English language is always spelled incorrectly?", 
     choices: ["It's possible to spell anything right as long as you learn it", "Shakespeare", "Onomatopoeia", "Incorrectly"], 
     correctAnswer: 3 

     question: "When do you stop at green and go at red?", 
     choices: ["Watermelon!", "Traffic light!", "Garden"], 
     correctAnswer: 0 

     question: "What rotates but still remains in the same place?", 
     choices: ["Bottle (spin the bottle game)", "Clock", "Stairs"], 
     correctAnswer: 2 

     question: "How can you lift an elephant with one hand?", 
     choices: ["Truck", "Use both hands!", "Use a lever", "There is no such thing"], 
     correctAnswer: 3 

//Function to start the quiz 
function startQuiz(){ 
    var i; 
    var j; 
    var k; 
    for(i=0; i<allQuestions.length; i++){ 
     document.getElementById("questions").innerHTML +='<form id="question">Q'+(i+1)+': '+ allQuestions[i].question; 
     for(j=0; j<allQuestions[i].choices.length; j++){ 
     \t document.forms[i].innerHTML += '</div><div class="answer"><input name="q1" value="'+ allQuestions[i].choices[j] +'" id="value4" type="checkbox" />' + allQuestions[i].choices[j] + '<br/>'; 
    document.getElementById("questions").innerHTML +='</form><br/><br/>'; 
    document.getElementById("questions").innerHTML += '<button onclick="solveQuiz()">Solve Quiz</button>'; 

function solveQuiz(){ 
    \t var x; 
     var txt = ' '; 
     var i = 0; 
     var correct = 0; 
     for(i = 0; i < document.forms[i].length;i++) { 
     \t x = document.forms[i]; 
     \t if(x[i].checked) { 
      \t correctAnswer = allQuestions[i].correctAnswer; 
       if(x[i].value == allQuestions[i].choices[correctAnswer]){ 
       \t correct += 1; 
     document.getElementById("questions").innerHTML += 'Correct answers: ' + correct; 



JavaScriptがクライアント側で実行されていることを知っていましたか?ユーザーはブラウザ開発ツールを使用して要素を簡単に検査できます。ユーザーは配列から簡単に答えを知ることができます。考えてみてください – JYoThI


デバッグの良い方法は、コード内の異なるブレークポイントに 'console.log()'ステートメントを置くことです。あなたの特定のケースでは、 'solveQuiz'関数にそれらを置いて、どこが失敗するかを調べます。 – Mikey


@JYoThIはい、ありますが、これは一般には使用できないため、問題はありません。 – Yuran


function solveQuiz(){ 
    var x; 
    var txt = ' '; 
    var i = 0; 
    var correct = 0; 
    for(i = 0; i < document.forms.length;i++) { 
    x = document.forms[i]; 
    for(j = 0; j<x.length; j++){ 
     if(x[j].checked) { 
     correctAnswer = allQuestions[i].correctAnswer; 
     if(x[j].value == allQuestions[i].choices[correctAnswer]){ 
      correct += 1; 
document.getElementById("questions").innerHTML += 'Correct answers: '+ correct; 

上記のブロックでsolveQuiz fnを置き換えることができます。 チェックボックスの代わりにラジオを使う方が良い。

document.forms[i].innerHTML += '</div><div class="answer"><input name="q1" value="'+ allQuestions[i].choices[j] +'" id="value4" type="radio" />' + allQuestions[i].choices[j] + '<br/>'; 

ありがとうロット、これは正常に動作しています – Yuran




私はすでにそれを行っていますが、まだエラーを見つけることができません。何らかの理由でforループが 'i = 2'と一度だけチェックされているようです – Yuran


これは質問に対する答えを提供しません。十分な[評判](https://stackoverflow.com/help/whats-reputation)があれば、[投稿にコメントする]ことができます(https://stackoverflow.com/help/privileges/comment)。代わりに、[質問者からの明確化を必要としない回答を提供する](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/214173/why-do-i-need-50-reputation-to-comment-what-c​​an- i-do-代わりに)。 - [レビューの投稿](レビュー/低品質の投稿/ 16868145) – ewwink


ヒントありがとう、私はそれを行うことができますときに私は行います – FabioTos
