私はGWTアプリケーションを開発して、Freebaseからクエリ結果を取得しています。これは私のEntryPointクラスのコードです。JavaでFreebase APIを使用する
package com.google.tracker.client;
import com.freebase.api.Freebase;
import com.freebase.json.JSON;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint;
public class Tracker implements EntryPoint{
public void onModuleLoad() {
Freebase freebase = Freebase.getFreebase();
String query_str = "{" +
"'id': null," +
"'type': '/film/film'," +
"'name': 'Blade Runner'," +
"'directed_by': [{" +
"'id': null," +
"'name': null" +
"}]" +
"}".replace('\'', '"');
JSON query = new JSON(query_str);
JSON result = freebase.mqlread(query);
String director = result.get("result").get("directed_by").get(0).get("name").string();
[ERROR] Line 10: No source code is available for type com.freebase.api.Freebase; did you forget to inherit a required module?
[ERROR] Line 21: No source code is available for type com.freebase.json.JSON; did you forget to inherit a required module?
これをGoogleに書いている場合を除き、コードにcom.google名前空間を使用しないでください。 –