function theHunt($node)
$tagName = '';
print 'I am starting with ' . $node->getName() . ' It should have ' . $node->count() . ' children. The first child should be: ' . $node->children()->getName() . '<br>';
foreach ($node->children() as $child);
print $child->getName() . '<br>';
if (isset($child))
print 'I found: ' . $child->getName() . ' I\'ll see if it has kids' . '<br>';
print 'No kids here, I\'m going to stop digging.<br>';
//Now that I am all the way down or working my way back up. I start gathering my information.
$tagName = $node -> getName();
if($this->rootNode->$tagName[0] !== NULL)
foreach ($this->rootNode->$tagName[0]->attributes() as $a => $b) ;
//echo $a, '="', $b, "<br>";
print'<br> I kicked out <br>';
print 'I am starting with ' . $node->getName() . ' It should have ' . $node->count() . ' children. The first child should be: ' . $node->children()->getName() . '<br>';
これは何もしませんでした。どうして私が木を誤って扱っているのか説明できますか?たぶん私は私がどのようにそれを修正することができるか知っている場合。 – CBrowning0791